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How to Write a Major Written Project in Business?

Responsibility for the identification, planning, research and writing

1. Take responsibility for the identification, planning, research and writing of a major written project.

2. Apply appropriate research methods in the investigation of a business issue

3. Identify and critically review relevant business concepts and theories from the available academic literature

4. Draw conclusions based on the analysis of evidence collected

5. Communicate research findings in an effective manner.

The final complete project will incorporate your literature review from CW2 but it is expected that this work will have been developed and refined from the version submitted at this stage. You should incorporate any developments in your topic area right up to your final project submission date and you should also use the feedback you received from CW2 to enhance your submission here.

To pre-empt any misunderstanding the mark awarded for your literature review chapter will contribute towards the 75% of credits available for CW3, but it will not change your previous mark for CW2.

The Brief:

Your final complete project should include the following sections:

• Abstract/Executive Summary

• Literature Review

• Methodology

• Analysis/ Results

More detailed descriptions of each chapter are provided below.

The abstract is a brief overview of what your project is about it should provide a taster of what is to  come. You can get an idea of different styles and forms of abstract from any of the journal papers that you have read for your project, there is no prescribed structure, so you may adopt your favoured style. Typically this is framed around the following questions:

• What were my research questions and why were they important?

• How did I go about answering them?

• What did I find out in response to my research questions?

• What conclusions did I draw regarding my research questions?

• Don’t give it all away though!

The introduction should provide a lead into your project including the background of the industry, product, company or issue you are researching, explain the gap in the existing research and guide the reader  through the rest of your project. You may find that some of the introduction to your original literature review can be incorporated here now that the lit review forms part of a larger document. Typically the introduction is framed around the following:

• Central issue of your research

• Why it was worth researching

• Background on the theoretical/academic basis for your research

Appropriate research methods

• Background about company/market on which the research is to be focused, if relevant

• Background of the research setting

• Rationale for your research

• Your research aims and objectives

The literature review should provide the theoretical foundation for your study. It should include all the relevant theories and models relating to your research study and should provide a framework for your “This document is for Coventry University students for their own use in completing their assessed work for this module and should not be passed to third parties or posted on any website. Any infringements of this rule should be reported to [email protected]

Assignment Brief Template methodological design and analysis. As it is now part of a complete project there is less need for a detailed introduction as it will follow on from the chapter before, however the work should still be coherent, well-structured and have a clear storyline. In addition it should be an updated and improved version of the lit review that you submitted for CW2. Any new developments in your topic area should be incorporated and you should also use the feedback you received from CW2 to enhance the quality of your chapter generally. Typically it addresses the following purposes:

• Set your study within the wider context

• How it supplements previous work on the topic

• May inform research questions

• Develop hypotheses

• Suggest a methodological approach

• Show how the academic theories discussed underpin your research project

• The project title should reflect the content of this chapter.

The following checklist is for the guidance of students, supervisors and markers in judgingthe merits of each section of the dissertation report. Overall Outcomes:

Formulate a marketing issue into a set of specific research objectives. Critically analyse the literature relating to a marketing issue. Apply appropriate research methods in the investigation of a marketing issue. Analyse valid and reliable evidence to draw valid conclusions.

How well has the complete report been summarised?

How well does the background set the scene?

How clear is the rationale for the project?

How clear and realistic are the research objectives?

How widely/deeply has the student read the subject?

Have the key seminal texts been mentioned?

Have the most relevant theories been covered?

Has there been critical analysis of the literature?

Is there a theoretical framework?

Is there a clear and logical need for the research proposed?

To what extent is the text adequately referenced?

Has the student justified their research plan in terms of perspective, design and data collection and analysis?

Have the issues of validity, reliability and generalisability been addressed?

Have the data collection methods been fully explained?

How sound is the sampling method and make-up of the sample?

Have ethical issues been fully addressed?

How successful was the data collection?

Has the data been analysed using appropriate techniques?

Is the data clearly and accurately presented in an appropriate format?

Is there a transparent link between the data and the findings?

Has the student attempted to apply the theories discussed to their findings?

Are the research findings synthesised?

How well does the analysis address the research objectives?

Are the conclusions consistent with the analysis?

How closely do the conclusions address the objectives?

Has knowledge been extended?

How appropriate/feasible are any recommendations made?

Has the need for any further research been addressed?

How structured, presented, integrated, logical and coherent is the dissertation?

How clear and persuasive is the dissertation?

How well does the dissertation flow?

How well are issues argued?
