The assessment involves a video presentation of power point slides. The video Presentation will require students to introduce and critically analyse an organisation that aims to provide solutions to a particular global sustainability issue through innovation and creation of shared value. In doing so, the students should:
a. Choose one organisation and one UNSDG for the purpose of analysis.
b. Discuss the key challenges faced (or likely to be faced) by your chosen organisation with reference to a particular United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs).
c. Critically analyse the role of the organisation in society with reference to your chosen UNSDG.
d. Critically analyse the responsible innovations pursued by the organisation to make contribution to the chosen UNSDG
e. Critically analyse the role of their stakeholders in facilitating &/or inhibiting the organisation’s strategies and innovations.
Number of slides: 6 (minimum) to 10 (maximum) Power Point slides (excluding references and notes)
Video length: 10 minutes (minimum 8 mins and maximum 12 mins)
Markers will not include any work after the maximum slide and time limit have been reached within the allocation of marks. Students may therefore be penalised for a failure to be concise and for failing to conclude their work within the slide and time limit specified. Likewise, a failure to meet a minimum slide and time limit may result in lower marks based on the quality of the work (e.g. not including the necessary information required for the assessment, not meeting the learning outcomes).
Students are required to pay attention to two elements of the final assignment submission,
PowerPoint slides: The students will have to submit the PowerPoint slides (with notes and without narration) electronically via the Turnitin Assignments link on the unit Moodle page. Do not submit a hard copy.
Video presentation: The presentation should made be in video format. This can done by narrating the PowerPoint slides and then converting into video and then submitting on moodle (guideline will be provided during tutorial)
Please submit your assignment by the submission deadline date.
You can replace/amend your submission multiple times up until the deadline time to check your similarity score. The score will be displayed immediately. After 3 submissions, similarity scores will take 24 hours to display. A similarity score of more than 25% will be subject to further investigation.
You will be offered detailed feedback on your submission based on the marking criteria (below). Feedback is personalized and focused on improvement.
If you cannot submit your assessment by the deadline, please follow the information HERE on how to submit an Exceptional Factors claim.
If you have a Personal Learning Plan in place, please contact your department’s Disability Coordinator to arrange a discussion and agree on a possible deadline extension.
The reassessment will be a rework of this same assignment brief. Information about the reassessment submission arrangements and reassessment support will be provided on Moodle.
Please see marking criteria below for our expectations.
The presentation must include the following slides:
Title slide: This slide should include the title of the presentation indicating the name of the chosen enterprise and UNSDG. For instance: “The Strategies of Company X in Addressing Climate Change”. The title slide should also include student’s name, ID, unit name and code.
Presentation overview: Slide 2 should include the list of contents that will be covered in the presentation.
Introduction and background: Slide 3 should discuss the key challenges faced (currently or in future) by the chosen responsible enterprise with reference to the chosen United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs). Drawing on the “3 pillars of sustainable development (social, economic & environmental)”, the slide should set out the challenges that underlie this goal for the chosen enterprise.
Relevant lecture: Week 1: Introduction to Sustainable development Definitions, UNSDGs and Sustainability Frameworks.
Impact of the enterprise in society: Slide 4 should highlight the role of the enterprise in society with reference to your chosen UNSDG. In so doing, the students should use Alter’s Sustainability Spectrum in order to identify the enterprise’s level of commitment towards social vis-à-vis economic sustainability and subsequently analyse the impact of their actions in society. The students should use examples of different strategies and actions undertaken by the enterprise to establish their argument. It is recommended that the students show evidence of critical analysis while presenting the role of the enterprise in society.
Relevant lecture: Week 2: Introduction to the spectrum of responsible enterprise and ethical capital.
Impact through innovations: Slide 5 should discuss about the innovations pursued by the enterprise for creating positive impact in the society with reference to the chosen UNSDG. In so doing, the students can focus on any one of the following theories to critically evaluate the innovative initiatives of the enterprise and reflect upon those in the presentation.
i. Waste management hierarchy.
ii. Industrial Ecology
iii. Cradle-to-Cradle
iv. Circular Economy
v. Shared value
Relevant lecture: Week 3: A critical view on responsible innovations and Week 4: Creating shared value
The role of stakeholders: Slide 6 should explore the role of stakeholders in facilitating &/or inhibiting the enterprise’s strategies and innovations. In so doing, the students should undertake a stakeholder assessment for the chosen enterprise.
Relevant lecture: Week 5: Role of stakeholders and stakeholder assessment
The other important points to consider are:
Overall style of the assignment including presentation skills, professionalism, structure, language, grammar, spelling and systematic use of Harvard-style referencing.
Use 12-points or higher size fonts on slides. Be analytical not descriptive in your approach. The presentation should be well-structured and involve use appropriate academic language. It should contain a balance of theory & concepts, factual evidence & reasoned argument. Harvard referencing style must be adopted i.e. all references must be cited appropriately within the text on slide, with a full alphabetical list of references included at the end of the presentation. All the figures, pictures, tables and any other visual elements should include citation of the source on their respective slides, with full references at the end of the presentation.
Using academic theory: Remember to make use of the relevant lecture & tutorial material from the Unit Block. However, the assignment should be based primarily on your own individual research i.e. building upon the lecture & tutorial material. Throughout your presentation, you must draw on appropriate academic concepts, models & the general academic literature in this subject area to critically analyze the strategies of your chosen enterprise. In other words, appropriately referenced content is expected, drawn from academic journal articles, textbooks, specialist reports, company webpage and annual report, industry standards, government data etc.
Using notes: Please provide detailed explanation of any argument, definition, example, criticism etc. in the notes section under each Power Point slide. The notes should be numbered appropriately in superscript format and then cross referenced in the notes section. Any content in the notes section should be cited, with full references included in the main reference list at the end of the presentation.
Relevant lecture: Week 1: Introduction to the Unit and Assignment; Week 6: Assignment guidance
Some suggestions to prepare effectively for the assignment are:
Engagement in weekly tutorials: Each week’s tutorial will concentrate on guidance and planning of the relevant section/slide of the assignment. The students will have the opportunity to get formative feedback each week from their tutors on each section/slide plan. Therefore, it is highly important that the student engage in weekly tutorial to progressively complete the assignment.
Research: Students should research to find appropriate academic journal articles, books and book chapters in order to critically evaluate the theoretical contents of the presentation. In so doing, students MUST consult the reading list relevant to weekly contents. Students can use the flowing search engines to find academic literature:
Library search: You can use MMU Library search bar to search academic resources.
E-journal databases: You have access to many journal databases (e.g. ABI Inform, Business Source Premier, Emerald, Elsevier) via MMU library.
In addition, Google Scholar can be useful. Look out for ‘find-it’ tab for full text access.
• Company website, annual report and sustainability report
• International and local NGO websites, such as, WWF, Labour Behind the Label, Action Aid, Water Aid etc.
• Websites of supranational organisations, such as, United Nations, International Labour Organisation, World Bank etc.
• Newspaper articles, such as, Guardian, BBC, The Independent, Financial Times
• Business magazines, such as, The Economist.
• Government policy documents and departmental websites
• Social media including twitter and LinkedIn