BUSI -1715 Organisational Analysis and Performance
1. Introduction. Introduce the company of your choice, its activities, organisational structure and industry. [400 words] 2. Financial performance. Present the main financial performance indicators of the chosen firm. Show in your submission how you calculate them. [300 words] 3. Competitive position. Considering the main characteristics of the industry of the chosen company, as well as its performance when compared against competitors, present an assessment of the relative position of the chosen firm. [500 words] 4. Non-financial performance. Considering relevant sources of information discuss the performance of the chosen firm as measured through non-financial indicators. Consider for example ESG aspects, the achievements of social objectives and the satisfaction of different stakeholders (customers, employees, local communities,...). [800 words] 5. Conclusion. Provide an overall assessment of the performance of the organisation. Identify trends and patterns developing over time, and recommend actions to consolidate or strengthen the effectiveness of the organisation. [500 words]