Welcome to Introduction to Effective Caring!
Through studying this module all learners will develop an understanding of the factors required for individuals to have a high quality of life such as ability to have choices, freedoms, stimulation, privacy, dignity, social interaction and support, privacy, effective communication, appropriate forms of physical contact, confidentiality, physical and psychological security.
Learners will be able to describe the key caring techniques such as observation, establishmentof trusting relationships, positivity, modelling, distraction and appropriate use of praise required when caring for individuals with various needs and the barriers they face accessing health or social care services.
Learning Outcomes and Summary of Content
1 Outline the factors required for individuals to have a high quality of life.
2 Describe key caring techniques.
3 Outline the constraints to positive caring.
4 Recognise the importance of safeguarding and person centred care when working with vulnerable clients.
5 Identify the ways that effective communication skills can improve care.
Learning and Teaching Strategies
A variety of learning and teaching methods will be used, including formal lectures to introduce core and fundamental theories and concepts, supplemented with small group workshops and seminars. Learning activities will include role-plays, interactive problem-based group-work, peer lean
Outline the factors required for individuals to have a high quality of life. Describe key caring techniques
Working in groups, research the following terms and explain the importance of these when working in health and social care.
Watch the video and create notes on the key points of person centred care.
Explain the importance of the technique and the consequences of not doing so effectively.
Identify five lifestyle factors that influences the quality oflife.
Research and explain how the following factors can affect people accessing the healthcare they need Individual Activity
constraints to positive caring and describe the key caring techniques required.
Recognise the principles associated with personcentred value Explain the safeguarding when working with vulnerable clients Starter Tutor-led PPT
Recognise the importance of safeguarding and person-centred care when working with vulnerable clients.
Learners are required to present a well-structured piece of work using academic skills, to draw upon academic sources appropriately and provide evidence
from research where required.
Your report will need to cover the following learning outcomes:
1. Outline the factors required for individuals to have a high quality of life.
2. Describe key caring techniques.
3. Outline the constraints to positive caring