Meeting the learning outcomes
This coursework will enable you to demonstrate that you have achieved Learning Outcomes 2 and 3 of this module. You are expected to:
1. Discuss the key theories and framework that underpin project management.
2. Distinguish key phases in project management. Coursework structure
1. This is an individual coursework. You are expected to complete this coursework independently.
2. Please include a front page to your work, which clearly states your full name, student number, module code and module name.
3. You should use font size 12, and single spacing for your work. Recommended font is Arial or Times New Roman.
4. Your work should be original and use Harvard referencing system to reference your work. (you may find the website helpful).
5. This coursework carries 30% of the overall assessment weighting.
6. Deadline for draft submission is 11.59pm, Sunday, 13th December, 2020, using the Turnitin submission link on MyUniHub. (carries up to 10 marks)
7. Deadline for FINAL submission is 11.59pm, Sunday, 14th February 2020, using the Turnitin submission link on MyUniHub. (carries up to 90 marks)
8. Word count is 1,500 words (10% allowance), excluding front page and reference list. Coursework requirement
1. Choose one topic from the list below. Register your selected topic on MyUniHub by the end of learning week 3.
2. Each topic can be chosen by no more than 10 students. Registration is on a first come first registered basis via MyUniHub (register early).
3. You are encouraged to read from a minimum of 5 sources of materials (e.g. academic journal article, professional report, any other grey literature).
4. Please avoid referencing the following sources in your work:
· Wikipedia
· Online blogs (without author/date)
· Any other online materials without author/date
Coursework mark allocation
Marks are allocated as follows. Please refer to the “Assignment marking criteria rubric” on
Section 1: Introduction: outlines the purpose of your essay 10 marks
Section 2: Define and explain the theory/key concept applied in the chosen topic
Section 3: Critically discuss the chosen topic, referencing and citing from relevant sources to present a well-rounded evaluation.
Section 4: Summarise key findings of the article and conclusion 10 marks
Section 5: Reference list 10 marks
Your work is clearly presented and free from grammar and spelling errors
Continuous engagement in the feedback process + draft submission 10 marks
Up to 10 marks are awarded to reflect the timeliness, completeness and status of the draft submission. For draft submission, you should make a reasonable attempt at all sections with in-text citation and reference list.
Topics (register your chosen article on MyUniHub by the end of learning week 3, maximum 10 students per topic):
Topic 1 - What are the required project management knowledge and skills for executing green construction projects?
In addition to the recommended reading, you should extend your reading by at least 4 different sources of materials
Topic 2 - Searching for the right project risk management approach for SMEs. Discuss. Recommended reading: Marcelino-Sadaba, S., Perez-Ezcurdia, A., Lazanco, A.M.E.,
Villanueva, P. (2013). Project risk management methodology for small firms. International Journal of Project Management, 32, pp327-340. In addition to the recommended reading, you should extend your reading by at least 4 different sources of materials
Topic 3 - Using sustainable project management practices within social enterprise projects. Discuss.
Recommended reading: Shah. S., and Ganji, E.N. (2019). Sustainability adoption in project management practices within a social enterprise case. Management of
Environmental Quality: An International Journal. 30(2), pp346-367 In addition to the recommended reading, you should extend your reading by at least 4 different sources of materials
Topic 4 - An overview of the social accounting project.
Recommended reading: Gray, R. (2002). The social accounting project and Accounting Organizations and Society Privileging engagement, imagining, new accountings and pragmatism over critique? Accounting, Organizations and Society, 27, pp687-708
In addition to the recommended reading, you should extend your reading by at least 4 different sources of materials