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Managing Chronic Diseases: Learning Outcomes and Portfolio Completion

Learning Outcomes
The learning outcomes are as follows:
LO1: Evaluate the evidence-base underpinning current practice in the management of people affected by chronic diseases.
LO2: Examine the social and psychological impact of conclusive diagnosis of a chronic disease on people and their family carers.
LO3: Explore the role of the multidisciplinary team in promoting self-management to enable people to live positively with a chronic disease.
LO4: Analyse current local practice and identify possible changes to improve psychological symptoms and health, and well-being for people living with one or more chronic diseases.
You will be required to provide evidence of achievement for each learning outcome within your portfolio. 
Completing your Portfolio
To complete your portfolio you must use this template. In order to successfully populate your portfolio with evidence you will need to engage with the module content on Moodle, attend the lectures and tutorials. Once completed, your portfolio will be submitted electronically via Turnitin. Refer to Moodle for guidance on submission of your portfolio via Turnitin (details will also be covered in tutorials).   
This should include a definition of what a long-term condition is and an explanation of your allocated condition along with a brief overview of its epidemiology and aetiology. Describe the pathophysiology of the allocated condition, supported by relevant academic literature. You must demonstrate your ability to understand the anatomical and physiological changes that occur for your allocated condition. This should include describing normal physiology and the changes that occur at the cellular, tissue/organ or bodily system level in relation to your allocated condition. This must be evidence based using appropriate academic sources. 
Select one symptom
1. Explore how this could affect the patient in the scenario (see the module learning units)
2. Evaluate 1 assessment tool (consider advantages/ disadvantages)
3. Based on best evidence discuss the nursing management required to enable the patient to maximise their health and well-being and self-manage their symptom. 
This must demonstrate a holistic approach (physical, emotional, social and spiritual).  You should include reference to the support of family/carers and the role of other members of the multidisciplinary team and the voluntary sector where relevant. In this final section, summarise the key aspects discussed in the portfolio and make recommendations on how learning may influence your future practice.
