Compare and contrast embedded and professional counselling taking into account elements such as:
·different settings/contexts (different organisations and places professional counselling and embedded counselling take place)
·roles (main professional role, qualifications),
·boundaries (this refers to area such as time ,duration, frequency, location, contact outside sessions, confidentiality) ,
·presenting issues,
·training (what sort of training do professional counsellors undertake. What sort of training might embedded counsellors have)
You could also compare (word count permitting) areas such as 'code of ethics' used'
Write a reflective statement about your own practice of two active listening skills you have explored during this module. These may be selected from:
·frame of reference,
·listening filters,
·An introduction - this explains what you are going to cover in this assignment and in what order. You can define the key terms 'professional counselling' 'embedded counselling' using definitions from the counselling literature.
·Each section which follows is a comparison - which may be 2-3 paragraphs each approx. These sections compare the areas one at a time. E.g. You can begin by comparing different settings where professional counselling takes place with different settings where embedded counselling takes place. Explain what is similar and what is different about the settings in professional and embedded counselling. You can then draw the section together by explaining in one or two sentences what these similarities and differences tell us about settings in professional and embedded counselling.
·You then need to follow this process for all of the sections you are comparing.
·You need to use evidence from the counselling text books throughout to back up all of your points. Some of the key books are McLeod, (2013) 5th Edn and Reeves (2013), McLeod and McLeod, 2010 (Counselling skills), Bond, (2010 ,3rd edn, Standards and ethics for counselling in action). You can also refer to the articles on 15 October Moodle page and other key texts referred to on the Moodle page.
·You then need a conclusion. This draws together the main similarities and differences across the sections you have compared in the essay. You can explain a little about what these similarities and differences tell us about professional counselling and embedded counselling.
A good approach to your own Critical Reflection on two active listening skills would be to:
1.Choose two active listening skills from selected weeks of the course e.g. frame of reference and paraphrasing.
2.Write a small introduction explaining which two active listening skills you are going to write about in relation to your own use of those skills on this course and outside the course.
3.Reflect on and evaluate the experience and personal learning from practising and thinking about each of these particular skills.
4.Consider how the experience or new learning impacted on you, what did you reflect on about your own use or experience of that particular listening skill (past and currently)?
5.What new insight or awareness are you gaining about these particular listening skills and how you use and experience them in the session and outside the session. Give specific examples about each skill and include your thoughts and reflections.
6.How can you apply each skill, and put learning into practice as someone using active listening skills to listen to another.
7.How can you improve your use of each particular skill? What specific things can you do to improve this?
8.Write a small conclusion summarising what you are learning about these two skills and how you are going to develop them.
9.Provide complete references throughout and at in a reference list. We have referred to Mearns and Thorne (various editions) Person-centred counselling in action. You can also use Reeves (2013) and McLeod (2013) 5th edn. which refer to active listening skills as well as other key texts referred to on the Moodle page.