The EMA takes the form of the final project report which follows the structure of the draft project report in TMA 03, with a few additions. These additions arise because the time to work on your project time will have run out so you are able to explain and review the whole process you have been through. In addition, the EMA assesses all the module learning outcomes including the following three, which are not covered by TMA 03:
·LO5. Critically review how you have tackled the project.
·LO10. Identify and address the legal, social, ethical and professional issues that may arise during the development and use of computing and IT systems.
·LO11. Analyse a practical problem and devise and implement a solution, building on the knowledge and skills developed throughout your earlier OU studies and experience.
So you need to ensure you address these as well as the other learning outcomes in your project report.
What you need to demonstrate in your Final Project Report
At this stage you need to complete your project work (as best you are able; some parts may need to remain incomplete) and produce your project report. Your report should provide evidence of having achieved the learning outcomes that is, your ability to:
·demonstrate and apply a systematic understanding of fundamental technical concepts and principles relevant to your project
·identify and refine the goals and content of your project
·identify, list and justify the resources, skills and activities needed to carry out the project successfully, and identify and address any associated risks
·gather, analyse and evaluate relevant information to complete the project successfully
·analyse a practical problem and devise and implement a solution, building on the knowledge and skills developed throughout your earlier OU studies and experience
·make effective use of a variety of information sources, including the internet, demonstrating awareness of the credibility of the source
·communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions clearly
·learn independently and reflect on what has been done, with a view to improving skills and knowledge
·plan and organise your project work appropriately, and keep systematic records of plans, progress and outcomes
·identify and address the legal, social, ethical and professional issues that may arise during the development and use of computing and IT systems
·Critically review how you have tackled the project.
Gather, analyse and evaluate relevant information to complete the project successfully
Make effective use of a variety of information sources including the internet, demonstrating awareness of the credibility of the source
Demonstrate and apply a systematic understanding of the fundamental technical concepts and principles relevant to your project
Analyse a practical problem and devise and implement a solution, building on the knowledge and skills developed throughout your earlier OU studies and experience.
Identify and address the legal, social, ethical and professional issues that may arise during the development and use of computing and IT systems.
Plan and organise your project work appropriately, and keep systematic records of plans, progress and outcomes
Identify, list and justify the resources, skills and activities needed to carry out the project successfully. Identify and address any associated risks
Learn independently and reflect on what has been done, with a view to improving skills and knowledge.
Critically review how you have tackled the project.