To do this, you will have to develop a three-part Case Study to identify and explain HSC standards, HSC professional role and understanding application of behavioural theory towards improving HSC professional roles
S1. Part 1: Exploration of various HSC standards, using relevant case studies or own work experience, to identify and explain the key HSC standards that dictate professional roles (LO1)
S1. Part 2: Develop explanatory account of various behavioural theories using relevant case studies or own work experience (LO2)
S1. Part 3: Apply your understanding, using relevant case study or own work experience, of relevant behavioural theories on HSC standards and professional roles and reveal how they could be employed to improve HSC standards and professional roles in the UK (LO1, LO2)
To address these learning outcomes, you are expected to cover the following areas
·Identify various regulatory standards of HSC especially those that underpin HSC professional roles
·Identify and explain key HSC professional disciplines and roles
·Identify and explain the required capabilities and skills of health and social care professionals?
·Identify and explain relevant behavioural theories in relation to HSC professional roles
·Build on your theoretical knowledge (using relevant scenarios or case study assigned) on learning, behaviours and communication preference to offer your rationale of what is considered as ‘’best practice’’?
-Ability to understand clearly key HSC standards and HSC professionals (30%)
-Ability to explain key behavioural theories underpinning HSC professional roles (20%)
-Amount of research and range of sources used (25%)
-Written communication skills: structure (including word count) & appearance (15%)
Written communication skills: spelling, punctuation, grammar and paragraphing (10%)
Exploration of various HSC standards, using relevant case studies or own work experience, to identify and explain the key HSC standards that dictate professional roles
Identify various regulatory standards of HSC especially those that underpin HSC professional roles
Have you defined health and social care standards?
Have you identified and described legislation that underpins those standards?
Have you identified and described regulatory bodies that underpin and promote standards?
Can you identify and explain key HSC professional disciplines and roles in general/or from the case study?
Can you Identify and explain the required capabilities and skills of health and social care professionals in general or using the case study?
Can you Identify various regulatory standards of HSC especially those that underpin HSC professional roles? Which regulatory bodies underpin the roles of HSC professionals?
Develop explanatory account of various behavioural theories using relevant case studies or own work experience (LO2)
Have you identified and explained relevant behavioural theories (i.e Health Belief Model, Cognitive theory, Participative theory etc) in relation to HSC professional role
Apply your understanding, using relevant case study or own work experience, of relevant behavioural theories on HSC standards and professional roles and reveal how they could be employed to improve HSC standards and professional roles in the UK
Build on your theoretical knowledge (using relevant scenarios or case study assigned) on learning, behaviours and communication preference to offer your rationale of what is considered as ‘’best practice’’?
Have you defined best practice?
What are the key points in the application of best practice?
How would you describe the duties of a HSC Professional with regards to best practice?
Can you evaluate the best practice put in place within the case study?
Can you demonstrate an understanding of the prevention methods that improve best practice