This assignment allows you to reflect on your professional development through the first year of your MBA leading to the production of a Professional Development Plan (PDP). You MUST reflect on NOT simply describe what happened, following the Gibbs model allows you to do this effectively, logically and concisely.
You need to produce a 2000-word REPORT that reflects on TWO areas in which you have developed this academic year. Reports are much more structured than essays, they are divided into sections and sub-sections that are formatted using bullet points or numbering.
You MUST provide TWO separate reflections using Gibbs reflective model each time on your personal development throughout this academic year.
One of your reflections MUST be a critical evaluation of your experience of applying for work placements. If you have not applied for placements you must still reflect on this and discuss why you have not applied
Your second reflection can be on any aspect of the course such as how your skills have developed, for example?
How have your IT skills developed?
Have your team working skills improved?
Have you developed your communication skills?
You should refer to the base line assessments you carried out in the first semester which will help you to identify areas for development.
You MUST also include in the report a copy of a current Personal Development Plan (PDP) that supports your reflection and details your future plans.
The Introduction should tell the reader what the report is about. It sets the report in its wider context and provides the background information the reader needs to understand the report. The Introduction should also briefly outline the report structure.
Here you have a chance to describe the situation in detail. The main points to include here concern what happened. Your feelings and conclusions will come later.
Helpful questions:
Here you can explore any feelings or thoughts that you had during the experience and how they may have impacted the experience.
Helpful questions:
Here you have a chance to evaluate what worked and what didn’t work in the situation. Try to be as objective and honest as possible. To get the most out of your reflection focus on both the positive and the negative aspects of the situation, even if it was primarily one or the other.
Helpful questions:
The analysis step is where you have a chance to make sense of what happened. Up until now you have focused on details around what happened in the situation. Now you have a chance to extract meaning from it. You want to target the different aspects that went well or poorly and ask yourself why. If you are looking to include academic literature, this is the natural place to include it.
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In this section you can make conclusions about what happened. This is where you summarise your learning and highlight what changes to your actions could improve the outcome in the future. It should be a natural response to the previous sections.
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At this step you plan for what you would do differently in a similar or related situation in the future. It can also be extremely helpful to think about how you will help yourself to act differently – such that you don’t only plan what you will do differently, but also how you will make sure it happens. Sometimes just the realisation is enough, but other times reminders might be helpful. This should feed through to your PDP.
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