CN5002 Data Communications and Networks
Computation and allocation of IP addresses to devices in a computer network (based on a given block address), followed by design and simulation of the network using Cisco Packet Tracer software.
Task Analysis and Design of the Logical Network
Compute and determine the Network Address, Address Mask, Subnetting and other addresses in Table 2 using the lecture material and information from the recommended textbook as a guide.
Task: Using the classless IP address computation techniques and block IP address and mask xxx.xx.xx.0/25 (address / mask) you obtained from
Task perform the following tasks:
• Determine the number of addresses in the network
• Last Host Address, the Broadcast and the Bit mask etc.
• Complete Table 2 below for each subnet class A, B, C, D, E, and F.
Security Systems on the Routers and Active Devices:
Setup the following security passwords:
The Telnet password;
The Aux port password;
Console password;
Enable password;
Explain the steps you used to set up the above security systems.
Use screen shots from the implementation to illustrate your work.