Students are expected to attend all lectures, prepare for seminars, participate and read widely. Reading in advance will help you to understand and engage with the topics more actively.
All the module material can be found on Moodle pages of the module. It is the responsibility of all students to check Moodle on a regular basis for any updates regarding the module and its teaching, learning and assessment schedule.
This module is delivered through a combination of lectures and seminars.
1. To introduce students to psychosocial work in community settings
2. To introduce students to key concepts in relational and relationshipbased practice
3. To introduce students to the key principles, legislative and policy frameworks in relation to safeguarding children and vulnerable adults
4. To increase awareness and understanding of similarities and differences in working with diverse populations.
5. To develop knowledge that will enhance employability in health, social care, education, youth and community work sectors.
1. Understand the context in which psychosocial and community work exists and functions (CC, CID)
2. Understand their potential role in the field of psychosocial and community based work and their continued professional development. (IC, EID, UGB).
3. Understand and apply critical thinking and analysis to the historical, social and political context in which psychosocial work exists and functions effectively. Subject-based practical skills
4. To research and write an assignment which underpins psychosocial work philosophies, theories and practice. (PID, SID) Skills for life and work (general skills)
5. Demonstrate digital learning skills e.g. literature searching, referencing and researching. (DP)
In this assignment you will be assessed on the extent to which you have:
? Demonstrated your understanding of the service user’s psychosocial needs (LO2)
? Demonstrated an understanding of the service user’s strengths, capacities and available resources (LO1)
? Demonstrated an awareness of the stressors, vulnerabilities and risks in the case example (LO1)
? Accurately recorded relevant details from the case example to support your assessment in each of these areas. (LO2) Additionally, assessors will consider
? The quality of your written presentation including clarity of structure, syntax, grammar and spelling.
CW2 draws on the work undertaken for CW1 to develop a support plan for the service user and reflexive summary.
a) A support plan for the service user which responds to the psychosocial needs, strengths and vulnerabilities/risks identified in CW1
b) A brief self-reflexive summary which demonstrates your understanding of aspects of sameness and difference in your relationship with the service user.
In this assignment you will be assessed on the extent to which you have demonstrated:
? your capacity to develop a support plan which responds to the psychosocial needs of the individual in the case example you have chosen (LO5)
? your awareness and understanding of safeguarding issues and how to respond to these in context (LO3)
? your ability to identify service user strengths and capacities for resilience (LO3)
? your knowledge and understanding of potential resources and supports available to the service user (LO5)
? your capacity to identify and reflect upon issues related to working with sameness and across differences in relationship-based work (LO3)
? knowledge and understanding of relevant research and/or theory. (LO4)
Additionally, assessors will consider
? The quality of your written/verbal presentation including clarity of structure, syntax, grammar and spelling.