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By submitting your assignment, you agree to the above terms and conditions of your submission.
Learning outcomes
LO1 Demonstrate ability of following professional processes during the phases of an investigation
LO2 Understand and follow the core functions of a forensic examination through using software and associated technology in a secure and professional matter.
LO3 Implement appropriate terminology into a digital forensic examination. School of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Wolverhampton
You are part of a team working for Z-Security, an elite digital forensics company in the UK that was invited to investigate a recent security incident involving suspected criminal activities taking place in a mediumsized company called UBB. You have been hired to physically investigate some of the affected assets, while other Z-Security team members were assigned similar tasks in order to reduce the overall investigation time. As part of yourrole, you will be asked to prepare an appropriate digital forensics toolkit together with a Digital Forensics Investigation (DFI) model to facilitate your investigation tasks. Any legal interface between law enforcement and this organisation is also a component to be evaluated as part of your assignment.
The incident(s): Network administrators at UBB identified unusual P2P and encrypted traffic that is rarely needed to support their business processes. An early investigation of some of their system logs confirmed suspicious connections some of which bypassed their firewall rules. Alice, a senior ICT manager with reasonable incident response training was keen to keep all the machines attached to the suspected subnet running while he sent an urgent request for Z-Security to start an investigation (based on an Incident Response contract between the two parties).
Bobâs decision was significantly encouraged by recent reports showing further incidents in the company, in particular, an increased number of staff accounts being accessed from unusual locations inside and outside the company. This has raised concerns of the possibility of an insider attack or inappropriate behaviour and misuse of the companyâs infrastructure.
Ethical and Legal Implications
Due to the nature of this module, you MUST ensure that ALL the tools utilised for this module and its coursework are carefully contained within a controlled laboratory environment.
Performing digital investigation on the dedicated course work VMs and within University cyber labs is permitted, but it is very important to note that unauthorised access to the rest of the university network is NOT allowed. A full monitoring process will be in place and offenders could be prosecuted. Ask your lecturer to clarify any doubts shall you have further inquiries. Overall, make sure you comply with UKlegislation and all associated professional and ethicalbehaviour.
The purpose of this assignment is NOT to teach you how to break computer system but rather to understand how authorised digital investigations are performed following the detection of an incident.
Assignment Tasks
In response to the incident(s), Z-Security assigned you several tasks as part of their main digital investigation. You were given the following tasks:
Further details and guidelines
- Support your work with screenshots and photos when required.
- To successfully meet the requirements, you must investigate and answer the given assignment tasks and consider the criteria given in the attached marking scheme.
- During the incident investigation, instructors (management board) will observe your work during the lab and take notes on the appropriateness of your progress.
- While considering legal aspects, remember that both UBB and Z-Security operate in the UK.
- The structural arrangements of the report are part of the assignment, and you are expected to make informed decision to plan it accordingly