Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) refers to networks of spatially dispersed and dedicated sensors which actually help to monitor and record the physical conditions of the environment and forward these collected data to a central location. WSNs can measure environmental conditions such as temperature, sound, pollution levels, humidity and wind. These are quite similar to wireless ad hoc network in the sense that they can rely on wireless connectivity and spontaneous formation of networks which actually helps in transportation of the sensor data wirelessly. It is used in monitoring physical as well as environmental conditions like temperature or sound and pressure. WSN are very useful in overall processing, analysing, storing and mining of data.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are identified as a self-configured and infrastructure less wireless network that is used to monitor physical or environmental conditions. These wireless sensor nodes communicate and function through their radio modules. Two nodes are directly connected so that it can transmit/receive data to/ from each other. The data is forwarded through multiple nodes, and with a gateway, the data is connected to other networks like wireless Ethernet. Get computer network assignment help if you want to write a great computer network assignment. A sensor communication model which is also known as a transmission model) is a mathematical model that quantifies the direct connectivity between sensor nodes. These wireless sensor networks consists of sensors that have the capabilities of sensing, computation and wireless communication capabilities. Here each sensor monitors the environment surrounding it and then collects and processes data and then tends to transmit appropriate information so that it can achieve its global detection objectives. These sensor nodes which are used in WSN with the onboard processors are meant to manage and monitor the environment in a particular area. These are connected to the Base Station which actually functions as a processing unit in the WSN System. The whole WSN system is built of “nodes” which forms a few to hundreds or even thousands where each node is connected to other sensors. Each of these nodes typically has several parts which are a radio transceiver with an internal antenna or connection to an external antenna, a microcontroller, an electronic circuit for interfacing with the sensors and an energy source, usually a battery or an embedded form of energy harvesting. These sensor modes might vary in size from shoebox to a grain of dust. The topology of a WSN can vary from a simple star network to an advanced multi-hop wireless mesh network. Propagation can employ routing or flooding
Wireless network or wireless ad-hoc network basically suggest a wireless network which functions without any framework or infrastructure. This incorporates wireless mesh networks, mobile ad-hoc networks, and vehicular ad-hoc networks. The origin of this could be tracked back to the Defence Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) and Packet Radio Networks (PRNET) which evolved into the Survival Adaptive Radio Networks (SARNET) program. On the other hand a wireless sensor network can be characterized as a system of devices, indicated as nodes which can detect the environment and impart the data accumulated from the monitored field with the help of remote or wireless connection. If you are preparing the research per on this topic, you should take research paper help. The application of wireless sensor monitoring can be seen in environmental monitoring, healthcare monitoring and positioning and monitoring.
Now the primary difference between wireless network and wireless sensor network is:
The medium which is used for wireless network is radio waves where as for wireless sensor network the medium which is been used are radio waves, infrared and optical media. Next is that wireless network uses application independent network whereas wireless sensor network uses application dependent network. In wireless network hop-to-hop routing takes place while in wireless sensor network query based or data centric routing or location based routing takes place. Wireless network is heterogeneous in type while wireless sensor network is homogeneous. In wireless network the traffic pattern is point-to-point where as in wireless sensor network the traffic pattern is any-to-any, many-to-one, many-to-few, one-to-many. In wireless network the router is used as inter-connecting devices while in wireless sensor network application gateway is used as an inter-connecting device. In wireless network IP address is used for addressing while in wireless sensor network local unique MAC address or spatial IP is used for addressing
Acoustic array processing is today an essential part of many applications involving the analysis of audio signals, such as hearing aids, hands-free devices, or immersive audio recording. Signal processing and machine learning research for advanced acoustic systems of this type is giving birth to emerging technologies and services with a great exploitation potential. Current application domains such as smart cities and buildings, ambient assisted living, or habitat monitoring have already demonstrated the interest for acoustic-based solutions. Internet of Things (IoT) platforms and single-board computers have substantially increased the capabilities of sensor networks aimed at acoustic signal processing, opening new possibilities, and challenges for making of sound a valuable source of information for the development of new services. One of the most widely used and common approaches of sourcing acoustic wireless sensor network is based on DOAs and envisions the cooperation of multiple nodes, each estimating a DOA. A three-dimensional source location estimate typically requires each node to provide azimuth and elevation of the sources in the acoustic scene to the central node, with a negative impact on the hardware costs, as in each node microphones must be deployed on a two-dimensional grid, whereas an azimuth-only DOA would require a linear array
The most common wireless sensor network architecture follows the OSI architecture Model. The architecture of the WSN includes five layers and three cross layers. Mostly in sensor n/w, we require five layers, namely application, transport, n/w, data link & physical layer. The three cross planes are namely power management, mobility management, and task management. These layers of the WSN are used to accomplish the n/w and make the sensors work together in order to raise the complete efficiency of the network.
Wireless sensor monitoring can be used in environmental or earth sensing that is for monitoring environmental parameters. For instance wireless sensor network can be used for detecting forest fire by installing a network of sensor nodes so that when a fire starts it can send the necessary signals and allow early detection so that the fire-fighters can take the necessary actions. Along with this it can also be used in water quality monitoring which involves analysing water properties in dams, rivers, lakes and oceans.
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