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How to remember things? Remember anything and everything

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How to remember everything you learn?

The major problem with students is that they tend to forget what they have learnt in class or on their own.  The result is that they are unable to reproduce what they have learnt during exams, thereby earning low grades.
Our Brain functions like a computer memory chip, retrieving or acquiring, storing and processing information.

The only difference is that we need to continuously train our brain to memorize more.

How brain works?

Different components or regions of brains like visual cortex, mortal cortex and others work in conjugation to form different types of memories. The words, sounds, images and emotions are encoded in a different language. When a specific type of memory is recalled, the neural patterns involved in original coding get reactivated.

Some common questions.

1. Did you ever come to a situation when you entered a room and forgot the reason of your entering?
It is called as memory lapse or momentary brain fog.

2. Did you ever encounter a situation that the things which you had memorized by heart, you forgot the next day or sometimes soon?

3. Have you ever felt that you encountered a traumatic experience that you want to forget but it comes back again and again?

4. Did you ever feel that the concept that you knew better than others, you couldn’t understand anymore while novice in the concepts were doing better?

If you have felt any of these then our tips and methods will surely come handy

Simple Ways to Remember Everything you Learn

Okay, we just need five minutes of your time! Now that we’ve got your attention, let’s start with an easy memory exercise, shall we?

Observe the random order of these colors and numbers and read it three times:

Six Blue Green Eight Red Twenty White Grey Three Nine Black

Read everything? Now minimize the window and answer these questions:

• What is before ‘Grey’?

• What is after ‘Eight’?

• What is in the middle of ‘Red’ and ‘White’?

Write down your answers on a blank piece of paper. No cheating!

Done? Now maximize the window and check your answers. Did you get everything right? Or were all your answers wrong? If all your answers were correct, congratulations! You’ve got excellent memory.

But if you got more than one wrong, you still have a long road ahead on the super memory power lane. Don’t worry. We can help you out. Here are 12 ridiculously easy ways to transforming yourself from a forgetful person to one who remembers all.

1. Sleep like a Baby

If you don’t sleep on it, you won’t remember it either. This has been said to you time and again that as an adult, you need at least 7½ to 9 hours of snooze time for your brain to function at its best. And since your brain is the storehouse of your memory, compromising your sleep is equivalent to compromising on your brain’s ability to be creative, to remember things and to analyze rationally.
Zzzs.. are important.
So get your Zzzs and try to fall into a daily pattern of sleeping at the same time. To do this, stop having several cups of coffee throughout the day as it keeps your body and mind alert and prevents you from falling asleep. Also, ditch your laptop, your television and your phone an hour before bed as the light emitted by these disrupts sleep and induces wakefulness. Create a dark and soothing atmosphere that is conducive to sleep by switching the lights off and tucking yourself in.

2. Foods that increase memory

Eating right is not just good for your body but also for your brain. It’s true that your food choices play a significant role in your memory skills. There are certain categories you must avoid and certain categories of food you must include in your daily diet. No matter how much you love eating junk food, cut back on those tempting fries and sugary delights. As for foods that you should have, walnuts, green leafy vegetables, fish, etc. are good for your brain, and consequently your memory. Green tea and wine are some of the slurp-worthy alternatives to your can of soda.

3. Exercise your Brain and your Body

As tiring as physical exercise may seem for your body, do not skip the gym. Your brain needs that workout to remember the grocery items on the list you left at home. Research has shown that Pilates is particularly good for building a strong memory. You can even try aerobic exercises. Moreover, a morning workout is the best workout as it refreshes your mind and increases its capacity to absorb more and more information. Your brain needs some exercising just as much for it to retain all the things you come across each day. And the best way to do that is to play fun and exciting brain games. Challenging your mind can prevent the gradual deterioration of your mental faculties. You can try several games such as  The Room, Hundreds, Alphabear, and Monument Valley, etc. Spending a minimum of 20 minutes each day playing a game is ideal.

What Physical Exercise does to your brain?

1.Provides supply of more blood and oxygen to brain
2.Exercise helps min release of endorphins which keep you mentally sharp and happy.
3.Exercise indicates your brain for relaxation and sleep and hence helps in maintaining healthy sleeping patterns.
4.Increases production of neurochemicals that helps in brain cell repair

What mental exercise does to your brain?

1.It helps you to focus your mind.
2.It helps you to be more logical
3.Neural patterns of reception and processing becomes more mature
4.Lengthens attention span
5.Boosts planning and decision making skills

4. Get rid of the ailments you Suffer from

Chronic illnesses create stress, which affects your cognition in a negative manner. In fact, these ailments might be the reason why your memory has suddenly taken a downward dive. Don’t think that Alzheimer’s or dementia is the only disease that can hamper your memory. Diabetes, heart disease, hormonal imbalances and even certain medications are to be blamed. Check with your doctor and get rid of them.  Increase you memory power many times just by getting over this.

5. Associate the things to sight, sound, expressions, smell or more

Your brain can be an expert in recalling things when it can establish a connection between what you’ve learned and what you already know. So when you bring in a new thought into your mind fortress of existing thoughts, you are elaborating a pre-known concept. Let’s make this easier for you. For example, if you’ve just learned about seasonal winds today, you can fly a kite to observe the direction in which the find blows. Remembering by association is an easy way to never forget the new things you learn each day.

Be a slight synesthetic

You know ripe mango is yellow in color. It is sweet in taste. It has a specific shape. It has a specific smell. So if you remember any of the attributes of ripe mango, it helps you in recalling things. There are people who can recognize a place blindfolded, only because they know the smell of that place. There are even people who can understand what others are saying just by understanding the expressions.

The brain is a magic in itself and it is a free gift for you to train and attain all these attributes. We will always aid you with the ways to do so.

6. Note down things and revise

This method has been backed by several studies that prove that writing helps in retaining the various ideas, theories, and concepts you come across each day. Hence, the homework you keep getting from school. But the key here is to write (read: pen and paper) than to just type it out. Why do you have to jot it down like a school kid you ask? Well, that’s because when you write, a specific section of your brain is utilized that helps in giving your memory a point of reference. Also, when you write, the slow speed of it gives your brain the opportunity to organize and archive the information it has gathered. So keeping that journal is probably a good idea.

7. Take a Walk Down the Memory Lane

Its funny isn’t it? To recall something you’ve forgotten you have to go back in time and extract that information from this blast to the past. But as funny as it sounds to you, this method has been backed by research carried out by the Harvard Business School. According to this study, the employees in a company had better chances of remembering all the training they received in a day if they spent just 15 minutes at the end of their work day reflecting over what they’ve done. To explain this phenomenon further, when you spend some time reflecting on your day, you gain perspective as well as self-confidence, which boosts your efficiency levels, thereby enabling your brain to retain all the important information you gathered through the day.

8. Take the Mnemonics route to Memorize Anything

Mnemonics can be defined as a device or a tool that can help you remember things with the help of various aids. These aids can be visual, sentence-based or word-based. Mnemonics even makes use of your imagination for the same purpose. Here are examples of each type:

Acronyms – For example, you have to buy raspberries, oranges, spinach and eggplant, but you constantly forget one of them. You can make up an acronym to remember them. In this case, the acronym would be ROSE, taking the first letters of each.

Visual Aids – If you’ve got an acquaintance called Angelina, try creating the image of angels floating in heaven to prevent yourself from forgetting her name.

Acrostic – Very similar to acronyms, only here you make use of the first letter of each word in a sentence to recall notes in music and the like.

Chunking – Chunking is a method of breaking up huge chunks of information into smaller parts so that your brain can recall them easily. For example, if you want to remember a phone number, instead of writing it as 5587412396, you can write it as 558-741-2396.

Alliterations and Rhymes – These help by making use of repetitive sounds. For instance, if you want to remember to use floss, make up a rhyme such as ‘Ross uses floss, his teeth shine like gloss.’

9. Learn Today and Repeat it Tomorrow

A particular hypothesis, known as the Forgetting Curve, states that if you don’t repeat what you’ve learned today, you’ll end up forgetting about 50-80 percent of it by tomorrow. That means that scrumptious cheesecake recipe your teacher taught you today would be half-wasted by tomorrow. In fact, what’s even scarier is that by the end of the month, you’ll be barely able to recall 2-3% of it! Is your baking class feeling like a waste of money now? Don’t worry; spaced repetition will help you out. Wondering what it is? Spaced repetition is the antidote to the Forgetting Curve. In this technique, you repeat what you’ve learned on day 2, 7, 30 and 90 so that the information is firmly registered in your brain.

10. Pay Close attention by involving all your Senses in the Process

Did you know that it takes just eight seconds of deep concentration for you to commit something new to your memory? As you can see, focus is the thing that can help you memorize. And if you can’t focus, you can’t learn or remember. Apart from being in a quiet environment with minimal or no distractions, there’s another way through which you can increase your focus. You have to try and involve as many of your senses as possible when learning something new. That means you have to associate things with colors, sounds, textures, odors, tastes, etc. For instance, you can read out loud the portion of your textbook you find difficult to comprehend to retain it better.

11. Put an End to Multitasking

While multitasking may have its own benefits (saving you a lot of time for example), it’s causing your memory to rot. Studies show that multitasking can slow down your cognitive function. For example, if you’re talking on the phone, jotting down notes and catching glimpses of the new episode of your current favorite TV show, you are most likely to forget where you’ve kept your spectacles. This is because your brain isn’t multi-tasking. What it is doing is that it’s quickly shifting its focus from one task to the next, thereby retaining nothing of what is happening. So if you want to tell that gossip to your other friends or remember the notes you’re taking or recall what happened in the previous episode, do only one thing at a time.

12. Practice Meditation Daily to Reduce Stress induced Forgetfulness

Believe it or not, chronic stress is damaging your brain and eroding your memories, and you have to stop if you want to remember those theorems correctly before your geometry exam. While alleviating stress completely may be impossible, it can definitely be controlled. Meditating just for 15 minutes each day can relax your mind and help increase its focus. It can also prevent the onset of certain diseases such as dementia, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

You can do loads of other things too such as get a massage, smell rosemary, laugh a lot and hangout with your friends, soak in the sunlight, chew gum, etc. to increase your memory. Just do whatever works for you.

Want a Simple Solution to all your Assignment Problems? Visit

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Hi, I am Mark, a Literature writer by profession. Fueled by a lifelong passion for Literature, story, and creative expression, I went on to get a PhD in creative writing. Over all these years, my passion has helped me manage a publication of my write ups in prominent websites and e-magazines. I have also been working part-time as a writing expert for for 5+ years now. It’s fun to guide students on academic write ups and bag those top grades like a pro. Apart from my professional life, I am a big-time foodie and travel enthusiast in my personal life. So, when I am not working, I am probably travelling places to try regional delicacies and sharing my experiences with people through my blog. 

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