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What Is Alliteration?

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Among the different types of literary devices present that allow us to improve our writing and make it more engaging and cohesive in nature, alliterations can be the most fun to learn. However, many students ask themselves “What is alliteration?” and struggle to understand its meaning and difference from the other literary devices present.

However, learning different types of literary devices can help to improve your writing skills. This is why in this blog, a complete guide is given on alliteration for your convenience. Read on to find out more.

What is Alliteration?

Many students do understand the alliteration definition and have a wrong notion about it. They tend to confuse it with other literary devices and end up making mistakes in their Language and Grammar papers. However, below, alliteration definitions and examples are given for your reference. Thus, if you have always been wondering “What is alliteration?”, find it out now

Alliteration is a type of literary device that depicts repetition in two or more words, that have the initial consonant sound as the same. However, one thing to keep in mind here is that alliteration does not refer to the letters appearing at the start of each word. It refers to the sound that those words make when they are pronounced at the beginning. Thus, in layman’s terms, alliteration is the use of the same type of sounds at the beginning of each word.

Some Key Points About Alliteration

Now that you know the definition of alliteration, let’s have a look at some of the key points associated with it.

  • Alliteration is also called as head rhyme or initial rhyme, when it is intended to have an effect in poetry.
  • The word alliteration comes from the Latin word “littera” which essentially means the letter of an alphabet.
  • It is used in many languages throughout the world like Irish, Arabic, Mongolian, German, Finnish, Hungarian, Icelandic and even the American Sign Language.
  • Some experts out there refer alliteration to the repetition of vowel sounds or letters at the end of words.

Alliteration is also a part of consonance, which is a broader literary device used to refer to the depletion of certain consonant sounds in any part of a particular word.

However, alliteration is a special consonance where the consonant sound that is repeated is present in the stressed syllable. Alliteration can also refer to the use of similar consonants, which are made of different words, likes, and z.

Moving on, let’s have a look at some examples of alliteration.

Examples of Alliteration

Round the river, the ragged ragpicker ran! This is an example of a sentence that uses alliteration. As you can see in the first letter of every word, “R” sounds the same. Thus, it can be rightfully said that alliteration is used over here.

If you are now wondering, “What is an example of alliteration?”, read on to find out more.

The best way to spot an alliteration in a sentence is by pronouncing the word loud and clear. You just have to look out for words that have the same beginning consonant sounds. Alliterative words need not start with the same set of letters. They can be made up of different words that simply sound the same. Thus, alliterative phrases can be of both similar and differing words.

Another good example of alliteration in a sentence can be:

Could you keep the cat from scratching the couch?

Here, at the start of four words, Could, Keep, Cat and Couch, the same consonant sound is used. Thus, this sentence has four alliterative devices present in it.

If you are still wondering, “What is an example of an alliteration?”, head down below for more.

Some other good examples of alliteration are given down below.

  • Kimmy’s kid kept shouting like crazy.
  • Laura’s lizard likes to lounge on land.
  • Michael made great music with his microphone.
  • Parry’s piglet was pouncing priggishly.
  • Sister Susie’s sewing socks.

Now that you know what is an example of alliteration, let’s have a look at the use of alliteration by some famous companies out there.

Alliteration in Brand Names

Alliteration gives a certain effect to words and sentences. Thus, they are used in writing copy, marketing content, and even in some famous brand names as well. Check them out!

  • Bed, Bath and Beyond.
  • Chuck E. Cheese.
  • Best Buy.
  • Coca Cola.
  • Krispy Kreme.
  • Dunkin’ Donuts.
  • Lulu Lemon.
  • Park Place.
  • PayPal.

The main reason why companies use alliteration is to make their brand names more memorable. Our human brain is capable of remembering names that sound the same or have a rhyming effect to it. Thus, these brand names are easier for us to store in our memories.

Alliteration in Phrases

There are many phrases and quotes around us that use alliteration all the time. Some of them are:

  • Busy like a bee.
  • Dead as a doornail.
  • Get your goat.
  • As good as gold.
  • Home sweet home.
  • Making a mountain out of a molehill.
  • Pleased as a punch
  • Last Laugh

Just like company and brand names, alliterations in quotes help us remember them. You can try to use some alliterative phrases in your content when writing essays, compositions, or other types of academic papers.

Final thoughts

Alliterations can be a fun literary device to use in your writing. They help to make your content enjoyable and interesting to read. This blog can now be your ultimate guide in letting you learn all about alliterations and how to use them. You can use them in all your academic writings to make your content fun, memorable and also add value to them, as using literary devices showcases your level of English language proficiency.

However, if you still cannot understand what alliterations are, or how to use them in your writing, you can avail of help from our professional English writers.

Learn to write Alliterations with the help of

If you are struggling to use alliterations in your writing and are asking yourself “What is alliteration?”, then you can take help from our expert writers at Our team of writers are skilled in the use of all types of literary devices out there. If you are struggling to use alliterations or need any other type of academic help, feel free to reach out to us. Some of the advantages of availing our services are:

  • Best rates in the market.
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  • An unlimited number of revisions on assignments.
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We also have responsive customer support to address any query or concern that you might have. Feel free to take our academic help and watch your grades skyrocket.

Hi, I am Mark, a Literature writer by profession. Fueled by a lifelong passion for Literature, story, and creative expression, I went on to get a PhD in creative writing. Over all these years, my passion has helped me manage a publication of my write ups in prominent websites and e-magazines. I have also been working part-time as a writing expert for for 5+ years now. It’s fun to guide students on academic write ups and bag those top grades like a pro. Apart from my professional life, I am a big-time foodie and travel enthusiast in my personal life. So, when I am not working, I am probably travelling places to try regional delicacies and sharing my experiences with people through my blog. 

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