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Best Employee Profile Management System Wall Mart

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The research study is having a discussion on the employee profile management system adopted by Wall-mart. As mentioned by Decramer et al. (2013), with the change in technology Wall-mart always try to adopt new technology and process. The research is also having a discussion about the importance of the employee profile management system in Wall-Mart. 

  • Aim Of Research

The main aim of this research study is to analyze the importance of employee profile management in Wall-mart. On the other hand, the study aim is to analyze the reason behind the implementation of this process. 

  • Objective Of Research

The main objective of the research study is as-

  • To analyze the effect of employee profile management system on Wall-mart process
  • To determine the importance of database management system in a profile management system.
  • To analyze the importance of profile management system in Wall mart process
  • To evaluate the benefits which the organization achieved after implementation. 
  • Hypothesis

H0 – Wall mart has implemented employee profile management system

H1 – Wall mart has not implemented employee profile management system. 

2. Literature Review On Employee Profile Management System

  • Introduction

As mentioned by Fang (2014), employee profile management system is one of the best human resource management or HRM application. With the innovation in technology and support application Wall mart always try to change their current system. So, they implemented employee profile management system in their working style. As stated by Friedrichs (2012), employee profile management system help Wall mart to store their employees details in proper manner. It also helps in reducing the operation cost of database. 

Analysis Of Employee Profile Management System In Wall Mart

In context to this Grabner (2013) stated, employee profile management system helps in storing each employee details separately. On the other hand, it also help Wall mart to reduce their administration as well as operation cost. In employee management system process, the details of each employee are stored in the form of directory. On the other hand, the database stored is in directory form and it helps in integrating the database. In comparison of past system of Wall mart for small correction in profile employee has to take permission from administration. But, in this system correction can be done by employees without permission. That is, the personal data and other details can be corrected. As stated by John (2014), Wall mart is having huge number of work force so maintaining database of each employee is difficult task. So taking into consideration this problem Hr assignment help department of Wall mart decided to change system. 

Importance Of Employee Profile Management System In Wall Mart

As mentioned by Mellor et al. (2013), employee profile management system in wall mart is important as it help them in maintaining their database in proper manner. On the other hand, it also help in creating their database in directory form, so that storage is done easily. Apart from this, in comparison of traditional method profile management help in reducing operational as well as other cost also. In addition to this Zhang (2014) commented, it also help in storing the workflow structure and leave application of each employee. The leave application, if employee wants to drop, they can drop directly from their portal to human resource department. Apart from this Fang (2014) stated, the administration of employee profile is done by both sides. That is, from employee end and from human resource department of Wall mart. 


The employee profile management system in Wall mart is implemented to reduce the cost of administration as well as operational. It also helps in storing database of each employee in proper manner.  

3 Research Methodology

  • Research Approach

The research approach used for this research study is bottom to up approach. It help in analyzing the situation at each and every stage of Wall mart. 

  • Research Design

As mentioned by Friedrichs (2012), the blueprint of research study is most important part of every research study. In addition to this, the research design taken into account for this research is descriptive research design. 

  • Research Philosophy

As stated by Fang (2014), the research philosophy help in completing the research study with proper set of information and knowledge. The research philosophy opted for this research study is participatory. 

  • Data Collection Approach

The data collection method adopted for this research study is primary and secondary data collection method. The primary data is collected from employee of Wall-mart and secondary is collected from online articles and others. 

  • Sample Size

The sample size in this research study is 10 employees at middle level and 15 employees from top level. 

  • Research Ethics

The completion of a research study is done taking into consideration all code of conducts. 

  • Limitation

The main limitation is budget and time in this research study. 


Decramer, A., Smolders, C. and Vanderstraeten, A. (2013). Employee performance management culture and system features in higher education: relationship with employee performance management satisfaction. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(2), pp.352-371.

Fang, W. (2014). The Development of Employee Information Management System. AMR, 1044-1045, pp.1401-1405.

Friedrichs, C. (2012). Seven simple tools to build a motivating work environment. Hamburg: Diplomica Verlag.

Grabner, I. (2013). The Impact of Creativity Dependency on Management Control System Design: The Role of the Creative Employee. SSRN Journal.

John, J. (2014). Relevance of Employee Development Plans in Employee Performance Management. SSRN Journal.

Mellor-Clark, J., Twigg, E., Farrell, E. and Kinder, A. (2013). Benchmarking key service quality indicators in UK Employee Assistance Programme Counselling: A CORE System data profile. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, 13(1), pp.14-23.

Zhang, L. (2014). Research of Engineering Spot Attendance and Employee Information Management Integration System. AMR, 977, pp.472-475.

Mark Hales

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