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The Best Study Method – 3x3x3 Process

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Educators and academic experts have researched and reviewed various study methods for years. Though they have come up with different strategies, they all agree with one thing – when students follow an organized routine to study then they always learn more, retain them for a longer period of time and score high in the exam. But most of the students feel confused as to what strategy or studying method would be appropriate for them. Is highlighting new points, summarizing the notes and revising them from time to time enough to fetch the highest grades? No, they are important but not sufficient.

Here, we will tell you about a unique study method which is easy to learn, easy to execute and above all will help you to learn any subject effectively. The method can work like magic for the students who struggle to retain the various concepts in their memory. It is called the ‘3x3x3 method’. It involves three lucid steps.

Review after 3 minutes once class gets over

Human brain is very good at discarding things. Academicians estimate that the students who don’t review what they just learned half an hour ago can lose up to 85 percent of the information. In other words, if you don’t review right away after you learnt something your brain will forget more than four-fifth of what you have studied.

So, next time when your teacher or professor teaches you a new chapter, give yourself 15 minutes to revise it right away. It will give you a fresh chance to assess and understand the concepts. If you cannot comprehend anything, mark them and ask your teacher in the next class. Experts comment that when you review just after the classes are over, you develop an ability to retain at least 75 percent of the concepts taught by your professor.

Time required: 15 minutes to 20 minutes

Review after 3 hours following the class

It depends on your homework load and your daily routine but try to review the same content after 3 hours. Obviously 3 hours do not imply that you need to review exactly after 180 minutes. But it is compulsory to study within the night. When you get back home, understand the concepts and memorize the material that you covered today in the class. It will be more effective when you learn and write down few paragraphs on it. This will help you to connect and strengthen your concept on the subject.

But why do you need to revise just three hours later in the same day? Again, the same theory is applicable. The brain can tend to forget what you have studied in the morning. Other than pushing it to oblivion, it is necessary to revise at the end of the day so that the chances of retaining the concepts become more prominent. So, it is more of a psychological treatment to make your brain understand that what you are studying is important and you should not forget!

Time required: 45 minutes to 90 minutes

Review after 3 days of the class

By this stage, you have developed a strong knowledge in the subject. But most of the students do not revise after studying it for only one day. When your mind starts remaining dormant, again your brain tends to lose information what you have studied three days earlier. In order to seal your memory on the topic, it is advisable to review it again after a couple of days.

Then, what you need to do?

Test yourself. Go through the notes that you have written, read the text book and even you can refer to the different online sources. Then start quizzing yourself. Do you remember and clearly understand the different concepts and nomenclatures associated with the topic? If yes, then you have succeeded to develop mastery and command over the subject. If you have homework, don’t forget to complete them. Now, the information is completely secured in your memory.

Next time when you again revise the chapter or topic before the examinations, you will find it very easy to recollect the theories. You will remain completely focused during the exams without any anxieties.

And the most important part, you will not forget it just after the exams. It will stay with you for a longer period of time.

Time required: 20 minutes to 30 minutes

These days, it is important to understand and retain the concepts for a long term especially when you wish to pursue higher studies or a career in the same field. It is helpful when you plan to do a research on the subject and you intend to combine different knowledge and concepts together. It is also helpful when you wish to apply that knowledge throughout the rest of your life. This ‘3x3x3 method’ would help you to increase your proficiency and authority over the subject.

So, start applying this study method from today!

Also, there are various simple steps which you can take to augment your preparations for the upcoming exam. These are not study methods but habits which you need to incorporate in your academic life. What are they? Read on.

  • Summarizing – After reading any concept, topic or idea, write down the most important aspects of it. Writing helps to stimulate all your senses which in turn supports you to strengthen your knowledge.
  • Remembering Keywords – Each chapter has some specific keywords. Memorize these keywords. Whenever you will remember these keywords, you will be able to recollect the ideas associated with them.
  • Highlighting – Read every chapter with a highlighter in your hand. Underline or highlight the key areas in the chapter that are important and needs to be memorized. You need to cover a vast syllabus; so every time you can’t manage to read the whole chapter.
  • Self Explanation – Whenever you study something new, try to relate it to something that you already know. Connecting with known information and self explaining the topics will make you realize how much command you have over the subject.
  • Make Images – Human brains can understand a subject more when it perceives visually. Make images, graphs, tables and then attempt to re-learn the subject. You will develop stronger knowledge in the subject.
  • Practice Tests – Do not depend on your teachers, but start solving papers yourself. After the practice test, find out the errors and the questions that you could not answer. Accordingly, shape you future studies.
  • Study Ahead – Most of the times you have an idea when your teacher is going to start the next chapter. Make sure to read the topic a day before. It will help you to deeper understanding when the following day your professor teaches you.
  • Interleaved Practice – Always practice different subject and problems together in a single study session. It helps to develop comprehensive knowledge and you can also prepare for your exams well.
  • Review at night- Revise the toughest subject (make sure you learn it sometime else) at night just before going back to sleep. This approach always helps to recall the subject better when you wake up next morning.
  • Make appropriate settings: Choose the right surrounding for you to study. Every day, study in the same place at the same time to develop it into a habit. Maintaining a perfect schedule for studies will help you in a long run.

Above all your effort and endeavor to study and score the highest grades matters. When you study effectively, these improved skills soon become your habit. The result will not only be better grades but you will also develop greater knowledge and higher self-confidence.

Reach to receive the best academic assistance

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Hi, I am Mark, a Literature writer by profession. Fueled by a lifelong passion for Literature, story, and creative expression, I went on to get a PhD in creative writing. Over all these years, my passion has helped me manage a publication of my write ups in prominent websites and e-magazines. I have also been working part-time as a writing expert for for 5+ years now. It’s fun to guide students on academic write ups and bag those top grades like a pro. Apart from my professional life, I am a big-time foodie and travel enthusiast in my personal life. So, when I am not working, I am probably travelling places to try regional delicacies and sharing my experiences with people through my blog. 

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