PART A: IDENTIFY AND EXPLAIN THE SIGNIFICANCE (10 marks) Identify and explain the significance of any FIVE of the following terms. Each answer should be approximately 4 – 6 sentences in length and is worth 2 marks. To help you find the most useful course content, I have indicated the relevant module for each term. In your response, be sure to (a) define the term using specific details drawn from readings and learning materials, and (b) explain its relevance or importance. Where appropriate, provide an empirical example to clarify your ideas. 1. Political Ideology (Module 7) 2. Hugh Burnett (Module 7) 3. Glocalization (Module 8) 4. Out-sourcing (Module 8) 5. The Greenhouse Effect (Module 9) 6. Impact Bias (Module 10) 7. Epicurean Philosophy (Module 11) 8. The ‘Silver Lining’ (Module 12 PART B: SHORT ANSWER – UNIT 3 (5 marks) Using specific details drawn from readings and online learning materials, answer any ONE of the following questions. Your answer should be approximately 10 – 12 sentences in length and is worth 5 marks. While you will not specifically be graded on writing style and grammar, you are expected to use proper sentence and paragraph format (i.e. no listing or point-form). Be sure to read carefully and answer all parts of the question chosen for full marks. 1. Globalization is a complex, multidimensional phenomenon with deep historical roots that generates new and more intense forms of global interdependence. It is also a much debated phenomenon, given the globally unequal distribution of costs and benefits associated with these processes of global integration. In your view, does globalization, as it is currently occurring, promote global welfare and improve the lives of individuals, communities and countries around the world? Or, does globalization, as it is currently occurring, benefit only the wealthiest individuals, corporations and countries around the world, at the expense of the world’s poor majority? Be sure to clearly identify and explain at least 2 distinct arguments in support of your interpretation. Use empirical details drawn from your Module 8 materials to inform your discussion. Once you have explained your interpretation of globalization, in a few sentences, explain how your interpretation of globalization reflects your political ideology. Use your Module 7 materials to help you develop an accurate analysis of your own perspective. Be sure to clearly define key terms and concepts to improve the depth of your discussion. Relevant Course Materials: Module 8 – Forces That Shape Our World: The Global Village Readings – “Globalization Readings” by Yip, Graham, and Lambrick Videos- “El Contrato” (Lee) Module 7 – Forces That Shape Our World: Politics and Economics Readings – “What is Politics?! ... And Who Cares, Anyway?!” by Herman OR 2. The climate crisis is arguably the greatest existential threat facing humanity and the planet, as we know it. According to the vast majority of climate scientists and ample, long-term scientific research from around the globe, this crisis is anthropogenic – that is, it is a crisis created by human activity on earth. Scientists and activists like David Suzuki argue that successfully addressing the climate crisis will require a ‘paradigm shift,’ which replaces our current anthropocentric relationship to nature with a biocentric perspective. What scientific evidence is there to support the conclusion that the climate crisis is anthropogenic? Identify any two distinct human activities that contribute to climate change, explain exactly how these activities impact our natural world, and discuss the consequences of these impacts for our planet as a whole)