JUST1103 Foundation of Ethics and Justice
You are a junior officer at Edmonton Police Service, assigned to a sought after plain clothes unit with seasoned investigators. You just had twin babies and your bills are piling up. Your partner, detective Jones, approaches you to do a little extra work with him on the side. Jones works casually with a private investigation company (Magnum P. Eyes) owned by former members of your police service. The company has a wealthy client has asked them to gather on his ex-girlfriend (Taylor Swift) who he claims is a drug addict and prostitute, in order to win a child custody battle. Jones tells you its all legit and that he has other serving police members working with him. In a two week period, you are asked to complete surveillance on the female after work hours, which you do and you are paid for it. You sometimes do quick checks while on active duty. In the following weeks, your partner asks you to complete police database checks and to help install a GPS tracker to help with surveillance. Although the extra money is nice to have, you realize the Swift does not seem to be doing anything improper and you do not feel comfortable continuing with the extra work. Jones tells you “It’s your loss!” and you sense that your relationship has changed and that he was not the officer you thought he was. You now understand that this surveillance has been going on for quite some time and other police officers who you know were also involved. Those officers conducted police information system checks and you understand that they were paid for that information. In this assignment you will be applying the Framework for Ethical Decision Making to the above noted case. Questions 1-3 and 5-6 should be completed in essay format following APA 7 with in text citations and references as required. Question 4 should be completed on the Risk Benefit Worksheet and it should follow the reference page. Framework for Ethical Decision-Making Is there an ethical issue, problem, or dilemma? If yes, briefly state the ethical issue, problem, or dilemma. Are there any laws, regulations, policies and procedures, or ethical codes relevant to the situation? If yes, identify and briefly describe the contents of the relevant sections, policies and procedures, or ethical codes. What ethical values are relevant to the situation? Chose 2 of the bullet points that you feel are most important from the list below and explain why? Integrity give precedence to ethical considerations accept responsibility for actions Courage face danger and take life-threatening risks as duty requires show determination to abide by ethical values and obligations follow the correct ethical course regardless of the personal or professional implications Compassion consider and protect the welfare of others regardless of their social, economic, or legal status Respect show regard for the worth, dignity, feelings, and interests of other people safeguard the rights of others comply with the rule of law use the minimal amount of force required treat everyone equally in accordance with the law regardless of their ethnicity, colour, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, marital status, or sexual orientation Transparency be clear and straightforward about decisions and actions taken behave in a manner that is open to public scrutiny and accountability, except as restricted by law Trustworthiness be honest in communication and behaviour (allowing for officially approved exceptions) be reliable and fulfill duties and responsibilities as required be loyal to the public trust maintain confidentiality of information, except as required by law The following should be completed on the Risk- Benefit Worksheet. Identify four stakeholders who will be affected by the decision. Identify at least three alternative courses of action. Review each course of action, and identify and consider the potential risks and benefits for each stakeholder. Review the Risk–Benefit Worksheet and select a course of action. In 2-3 paragraphs, support your decision by tying in the ethical values you identified in step 3, ethical theory that you learned in Chapters 1 and 2 of the textbook and public trust. How do you think a police service could manage internal corruption? Risk Benefit Worksheet Course of Action #1: Stakeholders 1.You 2. 3. 4. Risks Benefits . Course of Action # 2: Stakeholders 1.You 2. 3. 4. Risks Benefits Course of Action # 3: Stakeholders 1.You 2. 3. 4. Risks Benefits This assignment must be submitted electronically in D2L via the Dropbox before the diary date set out in the Course Offering Information in D2L. Late assignments must be approved by the instructor prior to the diary date. Any late assignment not approved by the instructor will be subject to the grade reductions in the Course Offering Information in D2L. This assignment is to be your own original, independent work. Wikipedia is not an acceptable source/reference for this assignment. Please review all the institutional polices contained in the course outline. The APA guide for Bow Valley College can be located at the following link: https://bowvalleycollege.libguides.com/apa7