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Management Competency, Self-Assessment, and Research Paper Assignment

Part 1: Self Assessments

You will work on this assignment, which is comprised of two distinct parts, throughout the semester. By the end of this assignment, you should have a better sense of your management competency. Part 1: Self Assessments If you have not done so already, complete the nine self-assessments in your eTextbook’s MyManagement Lab as assigned in Module 1 and Module 4. Discuss your results using the table templatePreview the document provided. Part 2: Research Paper Select one or more of the topic areas from your self-assessments, personal mission statement, or goal statement. These topics include: Stress management (you cannot use this one as it is an example below) Problem Solving Creativity Innovation Leadership Teams Diversity Intercultural Sensitivity Ethics Self-Concept Self-Awareness Personality Values Goals Time Management Create a question that connects the research to the assessment. Using the topic "Stress Management" as an example, related linking questions could be: How do leaders/managers control stress? What creative practices do managers use to manage stress? Does stress enhance leadership ability? What type of managers have the most stress? What workplace factors contribute to stress? Do high levels of stress prevent people from pursuing management jobs? Write a scholarly paper that answers your question and meets the following conditions: APA format; in-text citations, reference page Double-spaced, Conclusion that connects your assessment, mission statement and/or goal statement with the researchYour Final Submission Collate your portfolio in the following order: Title page Personal mission statement (assigned in Module 1) Goal statement (assigned in Module 2) Self-Assessment Summary (use table template; assigned in Modules 1 and 4) Research paper Reference page You must submit everything in one document. Module 1 Go to your MyManagement Lab (Links to an external site.) provided by the textbook publisher Pearson. Here you will complete four online self-assessments. These self assignments will prove valuable to your self-exploration. You will also be expected to include your results in your research portfolio assignment so be sure to save your work. You may consider reading the assignment instructions now. Please use a table like the following to document your work in the self assessments: Self Assessments Table Template.docxPreview the document The online assessments you must complete at this point in the course are as follows: Personal Assessment of Management Skills (PAMS) Core Self-evaluation Intercultural Sensitivity Ethical Leadership Assessment Note: You will complete five more self-assessments later in this course. Module 4 Exercises Go to your MyManagement Lab (Links to an external site.) provided by the textbook publisher Pearson. Here you will complete five online self-assessments. These self assignments will prove valuable to your self-exploration. You will also be expected to include your results in your research portfolio assignment so be sure to save your work in this templatePreview the document. The online assessments you must complete at this point in the course are Problem Solving Leadership Style Team Competencies Stress Management Time Management personal mission statement Instructions: Having a clear understanding of your values will help you make ethical decisions when you are a practicing manager or employee. Although most of us passively consider what our values might be, this activity asks you to make a conscious commitment to identifying your values and developing a personal mission statement. To determine your values, complete this Values WorksheetPreview the document. Ensure you fill it out individually and then ask at least two to three other people who know you well to fill it out too. Compare the values selected in the three or four lists, looking for overlaps. Hopefully three values emerge as common. If more than three emerge as common, choose only three to focus on for this activity. These three values should resonate with what is important to you and be reflected in your actions. It is because of your actions that people associate values to you (they can’t see inside your head or your heart). Create a values statement using the three values and incorporate them into a mission statement. Following that, create three action statements that will clearly demonstrate observable or measurable actions that show how you live your values. You may use this exemplarPreview the document to guide your own work on this activity. Save your work for inclusion in your research portfolio assignment. I have uploaded goal statement copy paste same the goal statement in assignment. I also upload core value work personal mission statement see it. A self assessment table please complete it. I have done module 1 and module 4 in my management in lab
