1. What is involved in Anishinaabe worldview, as has been learned in class? Reference course concepts, texts, and lectures to explain your answer. (/10)
2. How do you know that settler colonialism is a “structure, not an event” (Wolfe, 2006)? Provide at least one example that demonstrates the structural nature of settler colonialism, as it has been imposed in this part of the world. Reference course texts and/or lectures to explain your answer. (/10)
1. Identify one story from The Mishomis Book that articulates one aspect of Anishinaabe worldview. How does this story express Anishinaabe worldview and philosophy? Make connections with at least two other course texts. (/20)
2. Why is fire significant? Why is water significant? What have you learned about the significance of fire and water in Anishinaabe understandings of life? Reference course texts/stories and lectures to explain your answer. (/20)
1. Write an essay (make sure it is written in full paragraphs and sentences, with an introduction and conclusion) expressing your understanding of what it means to be a good relative, in the seventh fire, to Anishinaabe/Indigenous peoples in the place where you are living/studying (i.e., Brampton/GTA).
To be a good relative is to live in accordance with Anishinaabe laws in shared Anishinaabe lands. Identify what this means to you. Consider what you have learned about Anishinaabe law and treaties, Canada’s “Aboriginal” laws and settler colonial treaties, and what it can mean to restore respectful and reciprocal relationships among all living beings. What can you do for the water, and for the land(s)?
What gifts do you bring to your work of being an ally or accomplice to Anishinaabe/Indigenous peoples, and all living beings? Based on your gifts, and what you are learning in your studies, what work can you do in your community to put into practice what you have learned in this course? This essay asks students to apply course learning to their own lives and work, and hopes for the future. Reference course concepts, texts, and lectures in your essay. (/35)