1. According to the article, how do alcoholic beverages develop symbolic roles? Then, in your own words, describe how alcoholic beverages can be a situational definer, a status indicator and a statement of affiliation. Provide examples of your own to substantiate each description.
2.The article discusses the role of drinking places and the impact of drinking culture. What does the article state as the 4 significant general conclusions that can be drawn about the role of drinking places on social and cultural drinking habits?
3.The article refers to significant transitions that are ritualised in some form in every society. Specifically, the article refers to: Life-Cycle Transitions, Life-Style Transitions, and Habitual Transitions. In your own words, explain these 3 transitions and provide 1 example for each transition.
4.Considering your personal background and experiences, describe the role alcoholic beverages play in your social and cultural events. If you come from a cultural background where alcohol is not consumed, explain the reasons why it is not accepted and list the beverages you do consume at social and cultural events. Be sure to relate your new knowledge and understanding gained from the article to your response.