Explain what the issue is, define the challenges which companies are faced with when looking at how to handle this issue and why this issue is important at this time.
Part 1: Secondary Research Findings:
You are to find and refer to 3 sources of secondary research which discusses the topic you are researching.
For each source used you must:
Summarize the content found from each source (this MUST be in your own words). Please be aware our College Policies E16 and E43 on Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty.
Full article attached and hyperlink
Sources of secondary research must include information gathered from government or industry and must be relevant to the topic selected. Possible sources (but not limited to) for data include:
1.The Algonquin College LRC has many e-resources that can be accessed through the library’s website via the alpha database list at lts2.algonquincollege.com/LRCdatabase/alpha.aspx#top
a.A library account is required to access any library subscribed material from off campus
b.account information can be found at algonquincollege.com/lrc/library/libraryCard.htm
2.Ontario Ministry of Labour website (Ontario Occupational Health and Safety and the Employment Standards Act) MUST be utilized http://www.labour.gov.on.ca
3.Canadian Human Rights Commission http://www.chrc-ccdp.ca/
4.Any other reputable Canadian source, such as news media or research websites
Part 3: A Canadian Company which is demonstrating best practices & leading by example:
Choose a Canadian Company (it can not be a government organization) Make sure it Canadian and not a subsidiary of a foreign firm. You need to include a Summary of your findings written in your own words Include a copy of your research article or a hyperlink to the research
Part 4 : Legal Requirements and Best Practices Explained
A summary of findings showing the Correct/Incorrect or Legal/Illegal ways of managing the issue are well articulated and explained.
Any laws which must be followed are noted.
Legal, moral and best way of handling the issue is well discussed and explained.
Part 5: Recommendations & Implementation Schedule
A: Recommendations: Assume you are working within a company that needs to address this issue and you need to prepare your Recommended methods (SMART Plan) of managing this topic: (what needs to be done step-by-step to handle concern) which MUST be supported from research findings above).
Must include any legal timeframes required from the provincial and federal governments
B: Implementation Schedule: (for identified step-by-step recommendations above) You must be specific on when this will get done within the company you are working for.
Part 6: Sample Policy & Procedures
You are to write a Sample of your recommended company policy or procedure which you would implement: (i.e. Zero Tolerance Policy) with details of how it will be communicated to ALL employees and how the company will ensure compliance.
1. Now is your opportunity to be “Pro-active” instead of “Re-active”….create a policy and procedures that would reduce or eliminate this topic from becoming an issue within your company.
2. This should be written by you and not copied from existing policies you have found during your research.
3. You must include how this new policy will be communicated to your employees.