This course provides an overview of the history and development of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the last five decades, and analyzes the fundamental transformation that encourages corporate leaders around the world to put sustainability on their agendas. It gives students an opportunity to participate in debates towards a broader understanding of the purpose of business as creating sustainable economic and social value for stakeholders.
In this assignment, you form a group (up to 5 students) work with partner/s to choose a company (from the list below); read information on their website or the most recent CSR report/s or articles and assess a chosen company by answering the following questions
1. Choose one company from the list of the Fortune Global 500 list companies in 2018 and the top 50 socially reponsible corporation
Part 1-Introduction: Company Overview (what they do i.e. product or services? who are their stakeholders, what are their CSR initiative/ programs)- briefly maximum 1 page
Part 2-Company's CSR current situation:
Based on the website, articles and company's CSR report/s answer the following questions
1. To what extent is there an established CSR policy? What are the company product’s s labels, certification related to CSR
2. To what extent CSR is visible in the organization? Is there a CSR officer with clear job description? What relationships does s/he have with other business divisions?
3. Is there a CSR vision? If yes, what it is? How known it is to stakeholders?
4. Who are the company's stakeholders? To what extent does the firm keep them engaged? How?
5. To what extent are CSR good practices rewarded? Give examples when relevant.
6. To what extent are the firm’s financial statements published and shared with stakeholders?
7. Is there an Ethics code for the firm? Is ethics training provided for all employees? Is there a code of conduct for suppliers?
8. Is there an anonymous whistle-blowing procedure available to all stakeholders to reinforce CSR policy (Ethics helpline)?
9. To what extent does the firm uphold the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation? Give examples.
10. To what extent does the firm encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies?
Part 3: Conclusions: Your recommendations to this company to be more (refer to chapter 1 (basis concepts as PPP, stakeholder theory model or chapter 2 as CSR as business case or chapter 3-Enviromental responsibility or chapter 4, 5 Social responsibility )