Create a network according to Fig.1. Use you initial to name the routers and PCs. When configure IP (later), replace YY with last two digits of your student number.
Figure 1: Network Topology
Analyze the Network Topology, CreaTe Static Route
Analyze the topology in Fig.1, and fill up Table 1-5 with static route information.
While creating the routing tables, maintain the following constraints.
(i)Mention all the connected networks
(ii)From each router, all other LANs should be reachable.
(iii)From each router, all non-connected WANs should be reachable.
(iv)For more than one possible route, select the one with least hop.
(v)All router should have a default route pointing towards R2.
(vi)From each router the Internet should be reachable. We will simulate Internet connection using a loopback IP address ( in R-ISP.
(vii)During the configuration only the next-hop IP address should be used. Do not use exit interface.
1.Configure IP addresses, subnet mask and appropriate default gateway in all the nodes (routers and PCs).
a.While configuring IP address of the PCs, use DesktopIP Configuration.
b.While configuring the routers, use CLI. Cancel any initial configuration prompt by pressing Ctl-C.
2.Note for real routers: While using hardware router, erase the startup-config of the router to remove any previous configuration. After erasing reload the router. Once the router reloads and asks for initial configuration, do not do any initial configuration. Just press Ctl-C to exit configuration.
3.Configure IP addresses for all the interfaces of all the routers, following the exact addressing scheme of Fig.1. However, use actual interface IDs (e.g. fa0/0 or Gi0/1) where you made the actual connection to the other routers and the switch. (See [2])
4.R-ISP should create a loopback interface and configure its IP address as (See [2])
5.In ‘Global Configuration’ mode (i.e. after ‘configure terminal’ command), configure static route according to Table 1-4. (See [2]).
6.Set default route in each router. (See [2]).
7.R-ISP router should a default route entry towards R2.
8.Do not use the IP address of the loopback interface of R-ISP as a destination network. Still, you should be able to reach this interface due to default route.
Once the configuration is complete, for each router, perform the following tests.
1.For each router
a.Check the IP configuration of router’s interfaces. Use CLI. (Output#7)
b.Check the routing table of the router. Use CLI. (Output#8)
2.For each PC,
a.Verify the connectivity to all other PCs. (Output#9)
b.Verify connectivity to Internet ( (Output#10)