This argumentative essay requires you to pose an argument about a subject of your choosing. Itwill take a stance on a specific topic (social media, climate change, etc.) for an educated butnon-expert audience (i.e. me). Your analysis must engage with two peer-reviewed sources youhave located while writing the paper. If you would like, you may use the topic and sources thatyou located for your annotated bibliography assignment, but this is not mandatory. My gradingwill focus on essay structure, logical development, rhetoric, and incorporation of researchmaterials. Of course, grammar, syntax, spelling, and general prose “mechanics” are integralelements of effective writing; grammatical/syntactical errors tend to obscure and sabotagewritten ideas. As such, I will also emphasize a good grasp of writing mechanics while grading.For analysis, please provide at least one counter-argument to your argument. Assess thatcounter-argument and prove to your reader (me) why your claim still holds in spite of it.
Learning Outcomes:
This assignment will test your ability to:
• read, analyze, summarize, and paraphrase information from academic sources
• demonstrate critical reading and writing skills to assess various types of readings
• write a well-structured critical essay using academic sources
• follow APA format and documentation guidelines
• use library and electronic research strategies to locate information