1. Read the Donnal Medical Company case in the attached.
2. Review the Rubric associated with this assignment on the the D2l
3. You are required to prepare a Business Report for the Company CEO and his ELT. The Questions below have been provided by the HR Director who has hired you to help her and the ELT implement changes in the company and increase efficiency. You are an expert at analysis. You can identify the current company culture and recommend an Effective Compensation and Behavioural Framework to address the current issues. The goal is to have a happy and productive workforce that is cost-effective.
4. (Note: DO NOT write an essay or a paper simply answering the questions in sequential order). Please see example and videos of business report in the additional learner resources on the D2l.
5. Your Report should address the following questions in any order is logical for your report. The report should be 3-5 pages long depending on your ability to be concise and clear. Bullet points and Headings are highly recommended.
QUESTIONS: – the Executive Leadership Team wants you to address in your report.
A. What is your assessment of the compensation system in place? Do you think it meets the criteria for an effective compensation system as set out in Compensation Notebook 1.1? Which criteria does it meet,and which does it violate? (chapter 1)
B. The company is having a lot of trouble motivating and retaining its cleaning people. Why do you think there is a high turnover of new employees? What concepts may help explain employee reactions to the compensation system? Do you think the compensation system is fair? Is it effective? What principles for effective reward systems does it violate? What changes should be made? (chapter 3)
C. To get as many ideas as possible for solving this problem, you will consider 3 managerial strategies. One is a classical managerial strategy, one is a human relations managerial strategy, and one a highinvolvement managerial strategy. To analyze and solve the problem you have decided to provide a separate set of recommendations for each strategy. Briefly explain these and provide the pro’s and cons of each. Specifically include changes to the compensation system for cleaners, aligned to the three managerial strategies and recommendations of each. Which do you think would be the most effective solution? (chapter2)
D. Which managerial strategy would be most effective for this firm? Given what you know about the company and the CEO which managerial strategy do you think the ELT would prefer to use and why?
E. What reward and compensation strategy would fit this managerial strategy? What problems might you encounter in using this managerial strategy? (chapter 2)
F. What are the main types of reward problems at Donnal? Your report should explain how employee job attitudes serve as the link between reward systems and employee job behaviour. Discuss how reward systems can be used to generate task behaviour, membership behaviour, and citizenship behaviour. (chapter3)
G. As the consultant you completed a SWOT Analysis and employee engagement survey. It appears many employees are suffering from low job satisfaction and motivation. Develop a plan for solving these problems by adding more intrinsic rewards. Determine the importance base pay for the various employee groups. Recommend and explain most appropriate method for determining base pay for the sales staff. What factors did you consider in making these decision