Title: Pesticide and Herbicide use in BC Agriculture: A cost-benefit analysis Key Concepts to be addressed: (Choose at least 3 from the chapter)
(1) Explain the notions of "pest" and "weed", and provide reasons why it may be necessary to decrease their abundance.
(3) Classify pesticides (and herbicides) into major chemical groups
(4) Outline the risks and benefits of pesticide use in sanitation, agriculture, forestry, and horticulture
(5) Outline the concept of integrated pest management, and explain whether it is applicable to all pest-management problems (but in particular, to the agriculture industry)
Title: British Columbia's Forest Industry: An assessment of ecological pest-management strategies
Key Concepts to be addressed: (Choose at least 3 from the chapter)
(1) Explain the notions of "pest" and "weed", and provide reasons why it may be necessary to decrease their abundance
(3) Classify pesticides into major chemical groups
(4) Describe the economic benefits and ecological risks of pesticide use in forestry
(5) Outline the concept of integrated pest management, and explain whether it is applicable to all pest-management problems (but in particular, to the forest industry)