Individually students will research information about professional associations, publications, memberships, certifications, and current news related to their chosen career field. They will detail their findings in a formal business report and submit to their professor as instructed below:
Instructions : Carefully read & review following guidelines and accomplish the tasks below.
Use MsWord 2013 or MsOffice 2016 to create this report.
Create Title Page: Create a title page containing the title of the assignment, student name and number, professor name, and due date. Center contents on the page horizontally and vertically (use vertical center alignment and a Next Page section break). Refer to Figure 1 below.
Create Headers: Create a header for the title page (section 1). Create a header for section 2 as well. Refer to Figure 1 below as well as APA guidelines.
Modify Styles:
Research: LRC resources for APA guidelines for a research paper can be reviewed at and and examples of citing business sources specifically at
Generate a table of contents (TOC) using the References Menu and show 3 levels of headings.
Insert a Level 1 Heading: Start your report with a level 1 heading entitled, “Academic Program Outline.”
i) In the remaining rows fill in the table with information you locate at your program website (above). You should enter the course code, course title, weekly hours, and a brief sentence or two describing the course. Do this for each course within the first TWO semesters of your program. NOTE: You may need to add or delete rows based on the number of courses you have in the first two semesters.
ii) From the Table Styles options, apply a colorful table style of your choice. Apply single-line spacing within the table.
iii) Ensure that column widths are a good fit for the content within the column. Ensure semester 1 and semester 2 are clearly identified as such.
iv) Add a row at the top of the table. Remove any fill colour and borders from this row. Center and bold a table title in this row which includes: The table number, the program name and program number, and the program coordinator’s name. When you use a table number you will need to refer readers to the table number within your introductory paragraph. For example, you might say, “Please refer to Table 1 below for an overview of the first two semesters in this program.”
v) Add a note to the bottom of the table stating the source. If you modified the content from the original table then use the words “Adapted from Centennial College…” Use single-line spacing for this notation, center alignment, and Times New Roman font in a 10 pt. font size.
vi) Include an entry on your References page for the source website from which you retrieved the table information.