Choose a monument in the city of Winnipeg and analyze how it represents a human rights story
A clear argument is presented and defended. The argument must reference both the monument and a human rights issue.
Your argument is defended with evidence, examples and quotations
Key components of the paper are addressed thoroughly and persuasively.
Choose a monument or statue in Winnipeg or propose the most important missing monument, describe the monument.
How does this monument represent human rights history in Canada?
Conclusion: What is the key message of your paper? Are there any next steps you would recommend? (for existing monuments) Are there any barriers to your proposal (for proposed monuments)?
The paper is well-organized. Material is presented in a logical order with smooth transitions.
The paper is well-researched. It draws on relevant academic (and where appropriate non-academic) sources. There are a minimum of 8 sources of which 6 are academic. An excellent paper will exceed this number.
Writing is clear, tight, and persuasive
Conventions of academic writing are followed (no contractions, appropriate paragraph length, formal language, active writing)
Grammar and spelling: consistent verb tenses, subject-verb accord)
Cover page, numbered pages
Double spaced, Times New Roman 12
All sources are correctly cited in text and in the references using Chicago author-date style citations