Be it resolved “sovereignty and self-determina4on, not interests are the major causes of interna4onal conflict”.
1.Explain InternaKonal Legal Context of Sovereignty, Statehood and NaKonalism and how these outweigh INTERESTS in internaKonal conflicts. Give two examples (No amplificaKon of examples).
2. Explain Self DeterminaKon and how it outweighs INTERESTS in internaKonal conflicts. Give two examples (No amplificaKon of examples).
3. Case Study #1 – The Yemen conflict and how the Houthi’s stand on their sovereignty and self-determinaKon in the ongoing conflict.
4. Case Study #2 - The Kurdish conflict and how the Kurd’s stand on their sovereignty and self-determinaKon in the ongoing conflict.
5. Conclude the moKon reitera Kng our Groups stand on Serials 1, 2, 3 and 4 and adding an example where Interests in InternaKonal Conflicts have not succeeded
6.Everyone needs to submit their parts in the Group no later than March 25, 2020, so that Member doing Serial 5 can do their part well before the submission.
7. The Professor and the opposing team are yet to confirm acceptance to the Assignment on Discussion Board; as such, in case there is a subsequent change, we shall need to incorporate the change.