Each member must add a reflective paragraph describing their experience in this virtual collaborative activity! Write in first person and use your own words.
Describe the conflict that arose amongst members as the Urban Race progressed. Discuss what type of conflict you experienced and how you managed through it. Be sure to include each team member’s conflict management style and how this was utilized. Identify one course reference on conflict to include in your report to help understand the role of conflict in leading others. Be sure to think of conflict in the broadest sense.
How involved were the members of the team in this activity? Why do you think people become deeply engaged in their work? Relate these thoughts to your experience with the Urban Race. Discuss one reference from the course materials to explain the role of engagement when leading others.
Describe the various skills on your team. Discuss the value of each members’ contribution and the unique roles each other played. Include the challenge diversity brings to a team, as well as any benefits. What impact does diversity have on team effectiveness? Be sure to include one reference from the course videos!
Did any ONE leader rise amongst your group? Discuss whether or not this role transferred between team members and why. Discuss the influencing principles demonstrated throughout the race. What principle(s) were most utilized? Describe the difference between power and influence. Which reference speaks to you the most about influence?
Assignment Rubric - Urban Adventure Race: Home Edition
Informative, personally reflective, details help to understand your individual involvement, personal feelings and experience are explored.(12 marks)
Reflection lacks detail, but effort is made. There is some thought to the value of the experience.
Lack of effort is noticed, told in third person, no personal reflection or insight is evident.
Course content is included, clear understanding of concepts, concise explanations are provided; concept is fully integrated with the experience.
Course concepts discussed, but integration with experience is limited.
Course concepts are not included, and no integration is evident.