PMGT 702 Project Leadership
Reflective Journal
•Submit on MS Word document
•Write a 750-word reflection of what you have learned.Not what was taught, but what you have learned.
•Where there any AHA! moments / surprises?Can/have you applied what you learned?What was the interaction/response from your fellow students about what was being taught?
•Be candid and honest.Reflective Journal
•Format: Essay (12 font size); Use 1” margins top / bottom / left / right, double spaced.
•Include a cover page with your full name (exactly the same as the one shown in eCentennial), student , and Centennial email address.
•Students are responsible for verifying that they have uploaded the correct document to Dropbox.
•Uploading an incorrect or incomplete assignment is not a valid excuse.
•Incorrect or incomplete assignments will be considered late (at 10% deducted per day) until the mistake is rectified.
Marking considerations•
Integrating relevant course concepts/tools “Stating the obvious” vs. “High-quality reflection” on the lessons learned
Future plans to integrate course concepts/tools Creative ways to “shape” the reflection