What is the name of your business?
Hint: When you think of the name of your business, make sure that it captures the spirit of the business youâre creating.
Note to students: Once you have inserted your answer, delete the question and the tip provided here and leave just the heads so that your business plan will look more professional.
Description of BusinessÂ
What will your business do?
Hint: Imagine that you are explaining your business to a family member or a friend. The business should be easy to explain.
Form of Business Ownership
What form of business ownership (sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation) will your business take? Why did you choose this form?
Hint: For more information on the types of business ownership, refer to the discussion of the different forms of business ownership in Chapter 4.Â
Ideal CustomerÂ
Briefly describe your ideal customer. What are they like in terms of age, income level, and so on?
Hint: You donât have to give too much detail in this part of the plan; youâll provide more details about customers and marketing in later parts of the plan.
Our AdvantagesÂ
Why will customers choose to buy from your business, instead of your competition?
Hint: In this section, describe what will be unique about your business. For example, is the product special, will customer service be exceptional, or will you offer the product at a lower price?
Ethical Issues
All businesses have to deal with ethical issues. One way to address these issues is to create a code of ethics. List three core (unchanging) principles that your business will follow.
Hint: To help you consider the ethical issues that your business might fact, refer to the discussion in Chapter 3, Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics.
Social ResponsibilityÂ
A business shows social responsibility by respecting all of its stakeholders. What steps will you take to create a socially responsible business?
Hint: To help you consider issues of social responsibility, refer to the discussion of social responsibility in Chapter 3. What steps can you take to be a good citizen in the community?Â
Consider also how you may need to be socially responsible toward your customers and, if applicable, investors, employees, and suppliers.
Global IssuesÂ
Do you think that youâll sell your product in another country? If so, what countries would you choose, and why? What challenges will you face?
Hint: To help you consider issues of global business, refer to Chapter 5. Consider how you will expand internationally (i.e. independent agent, licensing, etc.). Do you expect global competition for your product? What advantages will foreign competitors have?