BUS8375 Business Research And Data Analysis
Assignment Instructions
The mid term exam is designed as an Individual assignment to assess your comprehension of materials covered in the first half of this course this semester.
Final Report Structure:
Cover Page
Table of contents
Each Individual Section Documented
Word Count (minus Bibliography)
This Semester you have studied Preliminary Research, Secondary Research and Sampling Plan.
Using the concepts, you have learned in class identify how you would plan to introduce a new Retail Bank in Canada.
There are 2 Parts of the report. Part 1 and Part 2
.For each Part, define in your own words what is the essence of the Topic.
Design a Preliminary research and Secondary research strategy to show what the feasibility of such an endeavour would be.
You need to cite at least 2 Banking Industry examples where the content from these Topics discussed in First half of the course are applied by these chosen companies (A Canadian Banking business example in this industry). Identify how the theory we have discussed in class applies practically in this Industry.
Part 1:
Your understanding of the topics of Preliminary Research, Secondary research, and Sampling
Part 2:
Using at least 2 industry examples identify the feasibility of setting up a new bank in relation to Business design methodologies of Preliminary and Secondary Research along with Sampling Plan
You should summarize your documentation in 750 words or less for each Part (Part 1 + Part 2 – 1500 words). Please use your own words and paraphrase the research you plan to cite instead of copy and paste of source content.
After documenting 2 Parts, summarize in your own words now your understanding of the contents of these Business Research concepts now that you have done industry research.
Overall report should be less than 2500 words. Choose any Font Type provided it is used consistently in the document. Spacing should be (single spacing). Document should be professionally written. Microsoft Word Document needs to be created and uploaded into the Drop Box.