Key areas of your benchmarking research and analyze may include: Section A Research & identifythe published corporate social responsibility values of your chosen organization and identify the role you believe the purchasing team plays in each of those Research & identify any known contradictions to those published values. Does theorganizations overall vision and published mission statement correlate to the CSR values? Why or why Discussif the organization has an ethical statement or mandate for their employees and/or for their suppliers. If so, how well does it correlate with the published ethical purchasing guidelines from well-known purchasing associations? Section B Discuss BOTH thebenefits and drawbacks that the organization’s CSR initiatives may have on their purchasing department in terms of supplier screening, strategic sourcing and maintaining ethical Whatare the major external “STEEPLE” forces that will impact the purchasing department’s sourcing activities, as they relate to the company’s CSR Based on your benchmarking findings, discuss why you believe the purchasing department should always be a part of developing a company’s CSR values and platform