PROG1245 Programming: Web Foundations
Project Proposal
Please prepare a one to two-page document describing what you will be making (or exploring) for your final project.
Your final project must be made with either p5.js or optionally I recommend choosing a topic that we explored as an assignment. Good options are: randomly generated drawings, data visualizations, generative landscapes, interactive animations or simple games using p5 play.
Your proposal should include the following:
An intro paragraph describing the topic you are exploring and why you are interested in it. Research. Include two or more existing projects (artworks, games, etc...) that explore your topic, that you will use for inspiration.
For each project, include a screenshot and a one or two sentence description of your projects you are referencing why those projects are of interest.
A paragraph describing how you will explore the topic. What's your method? What will you make? Process. Break down your project into a list of small individual tasks or challenges. Please have at least 7. The more the better. Think about prioritizing functionality over aesthetics.
For example, if you were making a top-down dungeon crawler, this could be the start: Move a sprite around up, down, left and right Create a room. Make the player collide with walls. Detect a collision from a door and go to another room.
Create a key pick-up that disappears on collision and can be used. Create a series of rooms to go through. Create a room with a locked door. If the player is holding the key, make the locked door open. Give the player the ability to shoot in the direction they are facing. Create an animation for the character when they walk. Create background art. Create a boss room.