Choose one article from the list (Appendix C in this syllabus). Write an 8-10doubled spaced page paper (12-point Times Roman font, 1-inch margins, no justification of text, not includingtitle and reference page). The first heading, as shown below, should be the statement of the problem. Each of the bolded titles shown below in items a)through g)should be a first-level APA header in your paper:(5 marks for grammar and APA)a)What is the problem that the research is trying to address: State and describe the problem in the articleand its implications for societyor social workers?b)What is the research question: Note-the problem may be different than the research question. State theresearch question(s)inthe study, explain how it is related to the problem. c)Research Design:What research design was used in this study?Discuss threats to internal validity that are present or that are controlledwith this research design. Go through the three criteria for making a causal inference (chapter 12) and determine if these are met in the design or not.Conclude with the extent to which a causal inference can be madeor not made.d)Sampling:How large was the sample(if it specifies, final total of participantsif not, say so)and how was the sample selected? What is the sampling frame for this study? Is it a probability or non-probability sampleor it does not say? Provide a critique of the generalizability of the findings based on the sample used for the study. e)Measurement:Identify at least two variablesin the study. How were these variablesdefined and measured? Critique the reliability and validity of the measurement strategy used. Provide an example of one other way that avariable could have been measured, and describe how this might have impacted the findings. f)Data Collection:What methods were used to collect the data (e.g., telephone interviews, paper and pencil questionnaires, in person interviews, existing data, etc.)? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the data collection method. Provide an example of one other data collection method that could have been used, and describe how this might have impacted the findings. g)Cultural Considerations:What is your assessment of the cultural competence of this research, explain is it appropriate or not and why? Does it address culture or not?Is the sample diverse? Do the measurement strategies appear to be appropriate for the cultural group in the sample?h)Ethical Considerations:What are the ethical issues involved in this research? What did the research do well in trying to address ethical issues? What more could have been done? 8i)Results and Implications:Briefly describe the study’sfindings. What challenges or barriers would make it difficult or infeasible to implement the intervention in an agency? Conclude with your assessment of how useful this intervention could be for social work practice.