The CODVID 19 pandemic has created opportunities and challenges for all industries and in education in particular for students, staff and faculty. As we develop our knowledge, skills, competencies and attributes in project leadership and management, we have to be conversant about skills and competencies that we need to develop in this environment and for the future. 1.Conduct a research on the internet to determine the trends in skills and competencies required for 21st Century project manager. Which are the top three skills or competencies that you need to develop?2.In an interview situation, you will likely only have a few minutes to highlight two or three skills or competencies that showcases your competencies and skills that makes you a successful project manager or leader. (Personal Reflection Question - Which characteristics or attributes will you highlight and why?) 3. Using the Douglas college library, select one peer- reviewed or scholarly article, which addresses the importance of the skills or competencies you have identified.4.Create an infographics to share with your classmates about the importance of developing that skill or competency. You can focus on one or two areas ONLY. How can developing this skill or competency assist you in your role as an effective project leader?