1. View the following Newborn Assessment videos: (you will need your Durham College Library credentials to log-in Refer to your texts for further clarification, preparation and reference (may include):
Keenan-Lindsay, L. (2020). Leifer’s introduction to maternity & pediatric nursing in Canada (1st ed,), Toronto:Elsevier
Jarvis, C. (2014). Physical Examination and Health Assessment. 2nd Canadian Edition. Elsevier: Canada.
3. Use the attached assessment guide to research how to complete a newborn assessment. Your textbook includes an unfolding case study at the end of each chapter (Chapters 4 – 12). You may use this case study to provide information and research specific detail. Please use “Baby Marco” (p. 291) as your model for this assessment.
You will include a detailed description/outline of the following:
a. Identify what you would assess in terms of maternal history, labour/delivery, pertinent details & risk factors (PARAGRAPH form)
b. Expected/Normal Findings in a newborn assessment
c. Variations (an abnormal variation that you have learned about during your research). Only one for system (not vital signs, measurement or posture) is required – please ensure you include a description of the significance of this variation.
d. References used may be listed below the chart (not necessary to include within the chart); a minimum of (3) current, professional and relevant references is required. (The video link is not considered a research reference).
4. All PN Program and Durham College policies are applicable for this assignment. The assignment must be completed independently, and any incidents of academic dishonesty will result in a grade of “zero” for parties involved. The rubric may be adjusted to reflect lack of information or insufficient detail.