1.You will research and write an essay that is 6-8 pages in length
2.Your essay should be double spaced, in 12 point font. Include a title page and a bibliography.
Research Essay Topics: Choose One
1.End of life issues: The Right to Die
2.Palliative Care and the Allocation of Resources
3.The Rising Cost of Healthcare: Canada’s Aging Population
4.The link between Employment and Health Status
5.Public vs Private Healthcare: The legalities
6.The Canada Health Act and the Right to Healthcare
7.Northern Access to Healthcare in Canada
8.Moral and Ethical questions with Genetic Testing
9.Patient Autonomy in Canada
10. Privacy and Confidentiality in Healthcare
11. Medically Assisted Dying in Canada and Advanced Directives
12. Assisted Reproduction
13. Universal Healthcare
14. Controlled Drugs and Substances Act
15. Occupational Health and Safety Legislation
16. The legalization of Marijuana across Canada
17. Medical Rights and Mental Competence in Healthcare
18. Ethics in the Canadian workplace
19.Covid-19 2020
Your essay should clearly identify the following:
-Your topic
-Your thesis statement (the argument you are making)
-What is the law in Canada that governs your issue? How does this law affect your topic?
-What moral and ethical issues does your issue encounter? Discuss the ethical theories we studied in relation to your topic.
-Find a case to include as an example of the issue in Canada.
Please note: do not focus on the pros and cons of your topic. This is an argumentative essay, and therefore, should present your argument and research that supports this argument.