The purpose of this written lab is to assess your ability to critically examine and understand key information that relates to reducing social isolation among seniors residing in senior retirement homes and determine whether you have conducted key research and understood fundamental factors and information to address a proposed solution.
Key questions are used to examine your critical thinking, creative analysis, and writing skills.
This assignment must be completed in word and involves answering key questions that are detailed in page 2 of this assignment. Remember there are a total of two annotations required for this assignment that require a comprehensive critical assessment of reputable journals.
You will use key words to research relevant reputable Canadian journal articles that are from 2011 and onward. Each annotation must consist of 350 words each.
Each annotation must use the “evaluative” perspective. As noted above, this is an individual assignment and it must conform to APA 7 referencing and writing style guidelines. A main rubric is used to assess/grade your lab.
The following are the minimum standards for all written assignments:
? Integrity: Ensure your assignment contains no plagiarized segments. If it does, it will be considered an academic offence. Note: Quotations and paraphrasing of any source without proper in-text citations and attached reference list is considered plagiarism.
? Purpose: Ensure that your assignment achieves the primary purpose at least in a minimal way. A rubric is provided as an assessment to your learning and to improve your inquiry, analysis and writing skills.
? Readability: Ensure that your assignment is edited to account for the majority of grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. If it contains too many errors that create confusion of meaning and severely limits communication, then it will not meet the minimum standards.
? References: Per APA 7, you must reference ALL sources from which you obtained information from and provide an in-text citation and references.
If you have not cited work or provided a reference list, this is considered Plagiarism and you may receive a grade of 0. (Note: plagiarism is an academic offence – please check Fanshawe’s A136 policy.
Using the research database on the library website and training tools and instructions provided (i.e. search for PubMed or ProQuest) or google scholar, you will research two peer reviewed academic scholarly journal articles (not from the Internet) and complete two annotations.
Please only use journal articles that are Canada and/or Ontario based. The more recent the better, (i.e. closer to the year 2021).
Ensure that your articles relate to using the following key words using the Boolean methods “AND” which was outlined in the W8 Special Webinar Training on Research.
• Social isolation prevention
• Seniors
• Wellness
The annotated bibliographies must be structured in the proper format and answer the following key questions.
1) Key problem/topic identified/discussed;
2) Data employed for analysis;
3) Findings and/or conclusions;
4) Your critical assessments.