Complete a category analysis, consumer analysis, competitor analysis, and PEST analysis for your topic. Use class notes, assignments and resources posted in FOL to guide you through these processes. The course modules include information on the types of data needed and data sources for each form of analysis. Your report should include detailed findings and their implications for your recommendation (whether or not to start your business in the location you have researched. Among other things, you should try to:-Estimate the size of the market for your product or service -Identify the NAICS code for your category-Include category data published by industry associations which serve your category-Describe how the market is segmented-Provide demographic and psychographic data on market segments (including data from SimplyAnalytics and Statistics Canada)-Identify customer needs and the criteria customers use when choosing the product/service -Provide market share and financial data on competitors-Describe competitors’ marketing programs in terms of spending and media usage -Describe important marketing environmental variables/trends that are creating opportunities or problems for suppliers of your product or service