a) Where you are. What led you to decide to come to university? Be sure to discuss how you are feeling about what lies ahead, and what you want to do in the future in terms of a career (it is completely fine to be undecided and in fact this can be a very good thing so don’t worry about not knowing). What have you learned about yourself?
b) Where you want to go. Picture the life you want to live after university. Briefly describe what your preferred future looks like. Explain how the path you are on now can contribute to your preferred future.
c) How to get there. Take some time to reflect upon your preferred future and enriched undergraduate life, and then complete the following tasks:
i) Find two programs in the KPU calendar that might interest you (e.g., if you are curious about both Geography and History, you will want to know what the major and/or minor requirements are for each discipline). NOTE: you must copy the URLs of the TWO programs you’re interested in and include them in the assignment as an appendix
ii) Link to preferred future and undergrad life. Explain how these courses are going to give you the skills, knowledge and experiences that you believe you need to be a successful graduate. How will they contribute to your preferred future? Are these courses lacking in any skills, knowledge or experiences to be successful? If so, how might you enrich your program to meet your needs? Be specific – how can you explore your interests? (for example, elective courses, co-op programs, volunteer experiences, non-curricular campus events/programs, etc.
iii) In consideration of your preferred future and enriched undergraduate life identify and list 6 SMART goals – both educational and personal goals (check the smart-goals-template). (2 for the semester, 2 for the year, and 2 for your time at KPU).
With your educational and personal goals in mind think about the changes you would like to make to the way you currently live your daily life.
a) Weekly Timetable 2 (Sep 28) (use the weekly schedule template) Focus on making these changes as you keep track of your time for 1 week
In doing so, begin each day with 5-10 mins in silence with no distractions and contemplate what it is you most want to accomplish. Identify each of your daily intentions on the timetable and state whether or not you were able to accomplish them.
During week 4 complete the following:
b) Motivation Reflections. Discuss your experience in making these changes to your daily life. That is, if you did accomplish each intention, how did you feel? If you did not, what got in the way from achieving it? What are your thoughts about that? What motivated you to achieve your daily intention?
c) Link to Preferred Future.
i) How does your relationship with time contribute to where you currently are, where you would like to go (e.g. preferred future) and how you are moving toward your preferred future?
ii) What do you think this result says about your preferred future and the ways in which you are pursuing it?