1. Create a new project with solution name Group Name and project name GroupName_A2 (e.g. GroupA_A2)
2. Remove all content from Home.cshtml and add you student ID, Name and Assignment Start Date on the home page for all the group members
3. Make sure to add AllStudents link in the menu
4. Create a new controller called StudentController with necessary code required as per the details below.
5. Create a database called Students and add the following tables, in the student table add all your group members data. Make sure to NOT use real address or phone number, use college email address
6. Create a Student table with the following fields
a. StudentId (Int)
b. FirstName (Varchar(150))
c. LastName (Varchar(150))
d. Address (Varchar(150))
e. City (Varchar(150))
f. Province (Varchar(150))
g. PostalCode (Varchar(150))
h. PhoneNumber (Varchar(150))
i. EmailAddress (Varchar(150))
ProgramId (Int) F