Q1 What is your (chosen) country's position in trade (with EU, if non-EU country, or with third countries, if EU country) and what is your personal view about this position (based on arguments) ?
you may use Eurostat database for trade statistics. Worth reading the course text to see some general trends and tools - difference between intra- and extra-EU trade, etc.
Q2 our second topic/question is EU capital flows and investments abroad.
You have two options:
1 What is the importance of (EU) capital flows in your (selected, EU or non-EU) country? By capital flows, you can consider private flows (FDI), but official flows (EU funds) as well.
2 What is the impact/interests of your (selected) EU country in bilateral investment treaties? (e.g EU-China investment deal)
Q3 What are the strong and weak factors in the competitiveness of your country (preferably EU-member country, or candidate county)? You may use competitiveness rankings and reports, but you may also add your personal experiences or views as well.
Q4 What is your country's position concerning development assistance? (how important they are, are there country-specific goals, target regions/areas, etc.)
Q1 A theory is the opposite of practical reality. In politics, a (wo)man of pragmatism is worth more than a Philosopher King."
Please enage with the question after consulting our first chapters on EU integration theory. Try to see the value of both, but make a clear argument FOR or AGAINST this assertion.
Q2 please define, explain and argue the following statement (150 - 200 words will be sufficient, references are welcome, but not strictly necessary).
"National interest is the only determinant of state behaviour, the maximsation of power its sole purpose."
Please consider the chapter on "Realism, Neo-Realism and Intergovernmentalism" in our reader. I hope you have found some time to scrutinise it.
Q3 I would like you to consider the chapter on Functionalism in our reader.
Please attempt to answer the following question, with as much scrutiny as you can muster:
"Problem-solving is the key purpose of governmental action. Since modern economies are more interdependent than ever, both national boundaries and distinct policy fields are only a hindrance, or a mindset of a past long gone."
Please be sure to define interdependence and the concept of spill-over from Neo-Functionalism.
Q4 I hope you are well! Below you will find your 4th forum question on "federalism", but first, let me remind you of the importance of our topic by today's date, November 9th, which is an historic day for Germany.
9th Nov. 1918: WWI and monarchy came to an end, democracy was proclaimed (as well as a Socialist Republic) and failed
9th Nov. 1923: Hitler attempted a coup d'état, failed, was imprisoned and wrote "Mein Kampf"
9th Nov. 1938: Nazi-Germany set Synagogues and Jewish shops and homes on fire
9th Nov. 1989: The Berlin Wall fell, the post WWII order and eventually the Soviet Union were dissolved
So, against this background, let me confront you with this statement. Please give your opinion and good arguments.
"The real aim of EU integration has already been achieved: peace in Europe! Lasting peace, however, can only be achieved by creating a European Federal state."
As ever, be sure to define the terms you use and be creative and specific in your argumentation!
Q1 In how far – and on which basis – do the German, French, and Czech national Constitutional Courts claim to have a right of review if an act of EU law infringes national constitutional standards or transgresses the EU's competences? Please compare Reply
Q2 Question: "Briefly describe the development of the ECJ case law on Union citizenship as the 'fundamental status of nationals of the Member States' (i.e. the 'legal dimension' of Unions citizenship)
Q3 Which role does the ECHR currently play within the legal order of the EU according to the ECJ’s case law? How did the jurisprudence of the ECJ develop? Can EU law be subject to review by the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, i.e. of a human rights complaint alleging that EU law violates the ECHR?