Select one of the topics listed below and write argumentative essay
Include and introduction, conclusion, and four body paragraphs (notethat the word count is low enough that you will have to write veryconcisely to accomplish this)
Take a firm position and support it with evidence-based argument(your body paragraphs should follow the 4-step method)
• This is not a research paper, so please do not consult outside sources. Notethat no credit is given in this assignment to finding, summarizing, orresponding to research sources: you should focus your efforts on an originalanalysis of the course texts.
• The essay must be original work. You may not repurpose material from yourjournal entries or analytical paragraphs
• Respond to one of the following topics:
o Identify a real or realistic situation in your life that creates conflict andtension. Make an argument to defend what tension management tacticyou would use and why, and explain why you would not use two otherreasonable tactics.
o Select one of the case studies we studied in the course and make anargument to defend what tension management tactic you think is themost effective in this situation, and explain why two other reasonabletactics are not the most effective option.