This assignment is comprised of two parts worth 20% each, for a total of 40% of your final grade.
Many of the worldâs most prominent social movements champion issues of injustice that intersect the lives of young people in profound ways. Additionally, one of the core functions of a child and youth care worker is to advocate for young people affected by unjust situations. For this assignment, you will research a social movement that may impact (or have impacted) young people and their families, and consider the ways in which a child and youth care worker could practise advocacy in relation to the chosen social movement.
You will develop a creative project that summarizes your research about the social movement and lists practical ways in which a child and youth care worker could advocate for young people and families affected by the injustice.
The general learning outcomes related to this assignment are:
Assignment Rubrics
Part 1 (Total: /36 marks)Â |
Above Expectations 7â9 |
Meets Expectations 4â6 |
Approaching Expectations 1â3 |
Below Expectations 0 |
Detailed and |
Basic and accurate |
Limited attempt at |
No attempt at |
accurate summary |
history of the social |
the summary of the |
summary of the |
Summary of history |
of the history of the social movement is |
movement is provided. |
history of the social movement is provided. Summary |
history of the social movement is provided. |
provided. |
is incomplete, |
vague, or unclear. |
Assignment |
Assignment |
Assignment |
Assignment does |
demonstrates in |
demonstrates at a |
attempts to |
not demonstrate |
multiple ways the |
basic level the |
demonstrate the |
the impact of |
impact of |
impact of oppression |
impact of |
oppression and |
Impact |
oppression and discrimination on |
and discrimination on the development |
oppression and discrimination on |
discrimination on the development |
the development |
and experience of |
the development |
and experience of |
and experience of |
young people and |
and experience of |
young people and |
young people and |
their families. |
young people and |
their families. |
their families. |
their families. |
Assignment |
Assignment |
Assignment |
Assignment does |
demonstrates in- |
demonstrates |
attempts to analyze |
not move beyond |
depth analysis of |
straightforward |
the social |
a description of |
the social |
analysis of the social |
movement and the |
the social |
movement and the |
movement and the |
impacts of the |
movement and |
impacts of the |
impacts of the |
oppression on the |
includes no |
Analysis |
oppression on the |
oppression on the |
people affected but |
analysis of the |
people affected and |
people affected and |
it is vague and |
issue, the impact, |
the potential role of |
the potential role of |
unclear. The |
or role of the child |
the child and youth |
the child and youth |
potential role of the |
and youth care |
care worker. |
care worker. |
child and youth care |
worker. |
worker is unclear or |
vague. |
Creative project |
Creative project |
Creative project is |
No project |
quality is |
quality is sufficient. |
basic. Sound and/or |
submitted or |
exceptional. Sound |
Sound and/or visual |
visual elements are |
project is inaudible |
Quality of |
and/or visual |
elements are |
difficult to hear, or |
or shows disregard |
creative |
elements are rich, |
relevant, audible, |
contain design |
for detail and |
project |
detailed, and |
and well designed. |
elements that |
design. |
exceptionally well |
detract from the |
designed. |
message of the |
project. |
Part 2 (Total: /21 marks)
Above Expectations 7â9 |
Meets Expectations 4â6 |
Approaching Expectations 1â3 |
Below Expectations 0 |
More than 3 |
3 advocacy |
Fewer than 3 |
No advocacy |
thoughtful, |
initiatives relevant |
advocacy initiatives |
initiatives relevant |
relevant, and |
to the social issue |
relevant to the |
to the social issue |
practical advocacy |
are provided. |
social issue are |
are provided. |
initiatives are |
Some connection |
provided. |
Connection to the |
Advocacy |
provided. |
to the course |
Connection to the |
course content is |
Advocacy |
content is |
course content is |
not demonstrated. |
initiatives |
demonstrated. |
vague or unclear. |
demonstrate |
connection to the |
course content. |
The assignment |
The assignment |
The assignment |
The assignment |
articulates |
articulates |
attempts to |
does not articulate |
multiple |
connections |
articulate |
any connection |
connections |
between the social |
connections |
between the social |
between the social |
movement, the |
between the social |
movement, the |
movement, the |
people affected, |
movement, the |
people affected, |
Making Connections |
people affected, the role of the child and youth |
the role of the child and youth care worker, |
people affected, the role of the child and youth care |
the role of the child and youth care worker, |
care worker, |
content from the |
worker, content |
content from the |
content from the |
course, and |
from the course, |
course, or |
course, and |
additional |
and additional |
additional |
additional |
research. |
research, but the |
research. |
research. |
connection is vague |
and/or unclear. |
Above Expectations 3 |
Meets Expectations 2 |
Approaching Expectations 1 |
Below Expectations 0 |
APA and writing (spelling, grammar, sentence structure, |
3â5 credible sources used, no APA errors, no writing errors. |
3â5 credible sources used; fewer than 5 APA errors; fewer than 5 writing errors |
Fewer than 3 credible sources used; more than 5 APA errors; more than 5 writing errors |
No credible sources used; more than 10 errors with APA and writing |
organization, |
etc.) |