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Child and Youth Care Worker Advocacy for Social Movements Impacting Young People


This assignment is comprised of two parts worth 20% each, for a total of 40% of your final grade.


Many of the world’s most prominent social movements champion issues of injustice that intersect the lives of young people in profound ways. Additionally, one of the core functions of a child and youth care worker is to advocate for young people affected by unjust situations. For this assignment, you will research a social movement that may impact (or have impacted) young people and their families, and consider the ways in which a child and youth care worker could practise advocacy in relation to the chosen social movement.

You will develop a creative project that summarizes your research about the social movement and lists practical ways in which a child and youth care worker could advocate for young people and families affected by the injustice.

The general learning outcomes related to this assignment are:

  • Analyze issues of critical social justice and their impact on the development of young people and their families, with a focus on current and historical perspectives on events such as: residential schools, the 2slgbtqqia movement, civil rights and Black Lives Matter, the disability movement, and Black Lives Matter, the disability movement, and feminism.
  • Discuss ways in which oppression, power, discrimination, and racism may impactthe development of young people and their faimilies. 
  • Evaluate the significance of advocacy in child and youth care Practice.


    1. Part 1: In this assignment you will choose a group that has experienced/currently experiences oppression, and the corresponding social movement. You will research the issue and the social movement and use a creative method to summarize key aspects of the history of this group up until present day in Canada. Your summary should demonstrate an analysis of how the issues at the heart of the social movement impact the development and experience of young people and their families. Your analysis should demonstrate your ability to break down and consider the various issues within the chosen social movement and connect them to the experiences of young people and their families. Creative methods couldinclude:
      1. avideo
      2. an audio recording orpodcast
      3. aninfographic
      4. an artisticproject
    2. Part 2: Make connections between the social movement and the role of a child and youth care worker. Identify three practical ways as a child and youth care practitioner you could advocate for the rights of a young person and/or their family from this group. Use the course textbook or other sources to support your ideas. This component may be included in the creative project or as a two-page written component accompanying your creative project.
    3. You may choose one of the following groups/socialmovements:
      1. Indigenous People – Truth and Reconciliation Commission and Missing and/or Murdered WomenInquiry
      2. The 2SLGBTQQIAcommunity/movement
      3. People of colour and the civil rights and/or Black Lives Mattermovements
      4. People with disabilities and the disabilitymovement
      5. Women and the feministmovement
      6. A topic of your choosing – contact the instructor for approvalfirst
    4. Once you have decided on a topic from the list above, send your instructor an email to identify which topic you have chosen. If you’d like to do a topic of your own choosing, contact the instructor first forapproval.
    5. You must support your assignment with three to five credible research sources. You may reference your textbook and other course materials, but will also have to do extraresearch to address the specific social movement you have 
    6. Sites and articles must be “reputable” (universities, public education sites, institutions,or reputable news sites such as BBC or CBC). The use of Wikipedia (or other “Wikis”) and study sites is not permitted; however, using Wikipedia or other sources to “mine” the reference list and get a head start on your own research is permitted.

    7. You may choose to include images in this assignment, but please note this is optional. If you are using images that are not your own original artwork, please use Creative Commons or public domain. You must include appropriate citations (under the image,and in the reference list). Some common A. websites for finding images include the following:     
      A. Pixabay(all public domain)
      B. Flickr(public domain and copyright)
      C. Google Images(public domain and copyright)
      D. Wikimedia Commons(public domain and various licenses)
    8. You must follow APA formatting and citation guidelines for this essay. You can findAPA citation assistance in the following (recommended) sites:
      A. NorQuest College Library APA 6th Edition(overview of citation and guidelines)
      B. OWL Purdue Online Writing Lab(for style and citation) 
      C. Knight Cite(for generating the reference list items)
    9. Assignments must be submitted in the Moodle assignment dropbox, in Word, or inanother .doc or .docx format (no PDFs unless otherwise discussed with the instructor). Paper assignments will not be accepted unless pre-agreed upon with the instructor.
    10. Late assignments will receive a deduction of 5% per calendar day. Exceptions will bemade in cases of illness (supported by appropriate medical documentation) or with prior arrangement with your 
    11. Deadlines will be announced in class and in Moodle, and you should plan to beginwork early in the term to avoid last-minute submissions. Consider this assignment your opportunity to integrate what you’ve learned throughout the 
    12. You will be assessed using the assignment rubric below.   

      Assignment Rubrics

      Part 1 (Total: /36 marks)


      Above Expectations 7–9

      Meets Expectations 4–6

      Approaching Expectations 1–3

      Below Expectations 0


      Detailed and

      Basic and accurate

      Limited attempt at

      No attempt at


      accurate summary

      history of the social

      the summary of the

      summary of the

      Summary of history

      of the history of the social

      movement is

      movement is provided.

      history of the social movement is

      provided. Summary

      history of the social movement

      is provided.




      is incomplete,





      vague, or unclear.






      Assignment does


      demonstrates in

      demonstrates at a

      attempts to

      not demonstrate


      multiple ways the

      basic level the

      demonstrate the

      the impact of


      impact of

      impact of oppression

      impact of

      oppression and


      oppression and

      discrimination on

      and discrimination

      on the development

      oppression and

      discrimination on

      discrimination on

      the development


      the development

      and experience of

      the development

      and experience of


      and experience of

      young people and

      and experience of

      young people and


      young people and

      their families.

      young people and

      their families.


      their families.


      their families.






      Assignment does


      demonstrates in-


      attempts to analyze

      not move beyond


      depth analysis of


      the social

      a description of


      the social

      analysis of the social

      movement and the

      the social


      movement and the

      movement and the

      impacts of the

      movement and


      impacts of the

      impacts of the

      oppression on the

      includes no


      oppression on the

      oppression on the

      people affected but

      analysis of the


      people affected and

      people affected and

      it is vague and

      issue, the impact,


      the potential role of

      the potential role of

      unclear. The

      or role of the child


      the child and youth

      the child and youth

      potential role of the

      and youth care


      care worker.

      care worker.

      child and youth care





      worker is unclear or








      Creative project

      Creative project

      Creative project is

      No project


      quality is

      quality is sufficient.

      basic. Sound and/or

      submitted or


      exceptional. Sound

      Sound and/or visual

      visual elements are

      project is inaudible

      Quality of

      and/or visual

      elements are

      difficult to hear, or

      or shows disregard


      elements are rich,

      relevant, audible,

      contain design

      for detail and


      detailed, and

      and well designed.

      elements that



      exceptionally well


      detract from the





      message of the







      Part 2 (Total: /21 marks)


      Above Expectations 7–9

      Meets Expectations 4–6

      Approaching Expectations 1–3

      Below Expectations 0


      More than 3

      3 advocacy

      Fewer than 3

      No advocacy



      initiatives relevant

      advocacy initiatives

      initiatives relevant


      relevant, and

      to the social issue

      relevant to the

      to the social issue


      practical advocacy

      are provided.

      social issue are

      are provided.


      initiatives are

      Some connection


      Connection to the



      to the course

      Connection to the

      course content is



      content is

      course content is

      not demonstrated.




      vague or unclear.








      connection to the





      course content.





      The assignment

      The assignment

      The assignment

      The assignment




      attempts to

      does not articulate





      any connection



      between the social


      between the social


      between the social

      movement, the

      between the social

      movement, the


      movement, the

      people affected,

      movement, the

      people affected,

      Making Connections

      people affected,

      the role of the child and youth

      the role of the

      child and youth care worker,

      people affected,

      the role of the child and youth care

      the role of the

      child and youth care worker,


      care worker,

      content from the

      worker, content

      content from the


      content from the

      course, and

      from the course,

      course, or


      course, and


      and additional





      research, but the





      connection is vague





      and/or unclear.



      Above Expectations 3

      Meets Expectations 2

      Approaching Expectations 1

      Below Expectations 0

      APA and writing (spelling, grammar, sentence


      3–5 credible sources used, no APA errors, no writing errors.

      3–5 credible sources used; fewer than 5 APA errors; fewer than 5 writing errors

      Fewer than 3 credible sources used; more than 5 APA errors; more than 5 writing errors

      No credible sources used; more than 10 errors with APA and writing










