This assignment requires you to identify three sources you plan to use for your research paper (Assignment 2c), and explain why these sources are valuable to your project.
1) Read the articles listed below: note that the articles apply to Assignments 2a, 2b, and 2c.
2) Choose one of these articles as the starting point for your research. Do not summarize your chosen article for this assignment.
3) Formulate a research question inspired by your chosen article: identify an issue or concern related to the topic of the article that you want to explore.
4) Do research using the library’s online academic databases. Acceptable research sources include scholarly journal articles, and e-books and print books from academic presses.
5) Revise your research question and do more research as necessary. This research question will appear at the beginning of your annotated bibliography.
6) Once you have a good idea of the argument you want to make in your essay, select the three sources that will be most useful to you in making this argument. Note that your chosen article from the list below cannot be used as one of the three sources.
7) Ensure the articles you are using are peer-reviewed using the STAR method.
8) Provide your research question at the beginning of your assignment, after the title, but before your first source.